Your IP :
# CountUp.js
CountUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript "class" that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way.
Despite its name, CountUp can count in either direction, depending on the `startVal` and `endVal` params that you pass.
CountUp.js supports all browsers.
## [Try the demo](
## See Also
- **[CountUp.js Angular 1.x Module](**
- **[CountUp.js Angular ^2 Module](**
- **[CountUp.js React](**
- **[CountUp.js Vue component wrapper](**
- **[CountUp.js WordPress Plugin](**
## Installation
Simply include the countUp.js file in your project or install via npm or bower using the package name `countup.js` or `countUp.js` respectively.
Before making a pull request, please [read this](#contributing). MIT License.
A jQuery version is also included in case you like dollar signs.
## Usage:
- `target` = id of html element, input, svg text element, or var of previously selected element/input where counting occurs
- `startVal` = the value you want to begin at
- `endVal` = the value you want to arrive at
- `decimals` = (optional) number of decimal places in number, default 0
- `duration` = (optional) duration in seconds, default 2
- `options` = (optional, see demo) formatting/easing options object
Decimals, duration, and options can be left out to use the default values.
var numAnim = new CountUp("SomeElementYouWantToAnimate", 24.02, 99.99);
if (!numAnim.error) {
} else {
with optional callback:
// or an anonymous function
numAnim.start(function() {
// do something
#### Other methods:
Toggle pause/resume:
Reset an animation:
Update the end value and animate:
var someValue = 1337;
#### Animating to large numbers
For large numbers, since CountUp has a long way to go in just a few seconds, the animation seems to abruptly stop. The solution is to subtract 100 from your `endVal`, then use the callback to invoke the `update` method which completes the animation with the same duration with a difference of only 100 to animate:
var endVal = 9645.72;
var numAnim = new CountUp("targetElem", 0, endVal - 100, 2, duration/2);
numAnim.start(function() {
## Contributing <a name="contributing"></a>
Before you make a pull request, please be sure to follow these instructions:
1. Do your work on `countUp.js` and/or other files in the root directory.
2. In Terminal, `cd` to the `countUp.js` directory.
3. Run `npm install`, which installs gulp and its dependencies.
4. Run `gulp`, which copies and minifies the .js files to the `dist` folder.