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bash-completion (2.1)

  [ AllKind ]
  * Fix __ltrim_colon_completions() fail on parameter (\$1) containing
    a glob.

  [ Andreas Müller ]
  * completions/ symlinks depends on $(DATA) to avoid race

  [ Christian von Roques ]
  * Fix __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref for $COMP_CWORD == ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Fix helper script to create changelogs

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * New completions: nmcli, gphoto2
  * Improved completions:
    - dsniff: add -p option completion
    - dsniff: fix interface completion

  [ Igor Murzov ]
  * _command_offset: Restore compopts properly (Alioth: #313890)
  * _parse_help, _parse_usage: Run commands in C locale.
  * New completions: wget, zathura
  * Improved completions:
    - cppcheck: Add new standards to --std option.
    - evince: Evince supports opening .pdf.xz files (Alioth: #313739).
    - feh: Add new options introduced in feh-2.7.
    - feh: Fix list of background styles.
    - fusermount: Complete curlftpfs-mounts for "fusermount -u" (Debian:
    - kcov: Add new sort types (introduced in kcov-9).
    - kcov: Complete arguments of --limits option.
    - lvm: Fix typo in option name: s/continguous/contiguous/.
    - make: Do not append space if target is a filepath.
    - mount: Fix parsing /etc/fstab on *BSD.
    - mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.5 and 3.7
    - mount.linux: Add options completion for nfs and davfs.
    - mount.linux: Clean up mount options, remove duplicates.
    - mplayer: Add opus to the list of supported formats.
    - mplayer: Add -subcp argument completion.
    - opera: Handle options.
    - slackpkg, slapt-get: Update the list of package sets.
    - tar: Fix detection if the $prev is a tar file.
    - valgrind: Add --soname-synonyms option arguments completion.
  * Testsuite:
    - _filedir: Remove the cruft from the a\$b->h unit test (Alioth: #313480)

  [ Jeroen Hoek ]
  * Improved completions:
    - unzip: Add support for OpenDocument formats.

  [ Ken Sharp ]
  * Improved completions:
    - wine: add .msi completion

  [ Martin Ueding ]
  * Stylistic cleanup

  [ Tristan Wibberley ]
  * Improved completions:
    - make: incremental completion for make with compact display
    - make: convert make completion to use smarter parser

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Avoid sourcing dirs in completion loader to avoid fd leaks (RedHat: #903540)
  * Ignore colormake symlink.
  * Line continuation, whitespace, and compgen -W ... -- "$cur"
    quoting cleanups.
  * _available_interfaces: Try with "ip link" if ifconfig is not available.
  * _ip_addresses: Try with "ip addr" if ifconfig is not available.
  * _known_hosts_real: Filter ruptime stdout error spewage (Alioth: #313893).
  * _mac_addresses: Try local interfaces with "ip link" if ifconfig not
  * _mac_addresses: Try ARP cache with "ip neigh" if arp is not available.
  * _mac_addresses: Fix with net-tools' ifconfig that outputs ether, not HWaddr.
  * New completions: chronyc, eject, eog, file-roller, hexdump, interdiff, lua,
    luac, luseradd, luserdel, lusermod, mussh, nc, ngrep, patch, pydoc,
    pyflakes, pylint, ss, strings, tshark, wsimport, xxd
  * Improved completions:
    - acpi, chpasswd, dmesg, gkrellm, groupmems, hwclock, lastlog, pwd, vipw:
      Complete options even without "-" given.
    - arpspoof, dsniff, ether-wake, nmap: Offer active interfaces only.
    - clzip, pdlzip, plzip: New lzip alias completions.
    - colormake: New make alias completion (LP: #743208, Debian: #682557)
    - cpio: Recognize pass thru when -p is bundled w/other options
      (RedHat: #912113).
    - cppcheck: Add --language/-x argument completion.
    - cppcheck: Complete --include= with filenames.
    - dnsspoof, filesnarf, macof, sshow, tcpkill, tcpnice, urlsnarf: Fix -i
    - genisoimage: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test
    - groupmems: Add -R/--root arg completion.
    - hexdump: Actually install for hd as well.
    - host: Complete with known hosts.
    - ip: Improve addr show and link show completions.
    - ip: Remove some stale TODOs.
    - jar: Reuse unzip's xspec (RedHat: #928253).
    - koji: Complete on build targets when --target is given to wait-repo.
    - lv{create,resize,extend}, vg{create,reduce,extend,split}: Fix variable
    - lvm: Add _lvm prefix to helper functions.
    - lvm: Take option args into account when counting args (RedHat: #860510).
    - lvm volumes: Complete on /dev/mapper/* (RedHat: #851787).
    - lzip: Do not append space after equal sign in long options.
    - make: Convert internal variable names to lowercase, indentation fix.
    - make: Don't leak $mode.
    - make: Make work in POSIX mode.
    - man: Add support for .lz man pages (RedHat: #839310).
    - man: Don't expand man page extensions too early.
    - man: Fix -P/--pager full path arg completion.
    - modinfo: Use ,, for lowercasing instead of tr in a subshell.
    - modprobe: Don't suggest installing already installed modules.
    - ncftp: Add option completion.
    - pkg-config: Try to complete --variable= if package name is already given.
    - pydoc: Complete on keywords and topics.
    - python, pydoc: Add module completion.
    - scp: Treat strings with slash before colon or starting with [.~] as local.
    - ssh: Add some -o and related arg completions.
    - ssh: Add -O argument completion (Debian: #680652).
    - tar: Don't take -I to mean bzip2.
    - tar: Fix completing files inside *.tlz when J is explicitly given.
    - tar: Simplify bzip patterns.
    - tar: Support *.tar.lz (Debian: #703599).
    - tar: Recognize taz and tb2 as compressed tarballs.
    - tcpdump: Fix -z full path arg completion.
    - unzip/zipinfo: Associate with more StarOffice extensions.
    - useradd, userdel, usermod: Add -R/--root arg completion.
    - useradd, usermod: Support comma separated -G/--groups arg completion.
    - useradd: Fix -k, -K, and --home-dir argument completions.
    - userdel: Add -h/--help non-completion.
    - valgrind: Fix full path <command> arg completion.
    - vgcreate: Add missing symlink.
    - vipw: Add -R/--root arg completion.
    - vpnc: Add bunch of option arg (non)completions.
    - vpnc: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test case.
    - wget: Use == instead of =.
    - wine: Fix extension glob to work on its own.
    - wol: Try "ip addr" before ifconfig for finding out broadcast addresses.
    - xrandr: Add bunch of option arg non-completions.
    - xrandr: Use _parse_help.
    - xrandr --mode: Clean up one awk call.
    - xrandr: Avoid --mode completion error when --output is not given.
    - xrandr: Don't leak $i when completing --mode.
  * Deprecated completions:
    - udevadm: one is shipped in systemd >= 196 (RedHat: #919246).
  * Testsuite:
    - Make pydoc test more likely to work with our limited expect buffer size.
    - Fix pwd unit test

  [ Yann Rouillard ]
  * New completions: pkgutil, pkgrm, pkgadd, pkg-get, svcadm.

  [ wonder.mice ]
  * Fixed tilde expanding in _filedir_xspec

 -- David Paleino <>  Fri, 05 Apr 2013 12:05:15 +0200

bash-completion (2.0)

  [ Anthony Ramine ]
  * Properly declare 'symlinks' dependencies

  [ David Paleino ]
  * apt-get: add 'changelog' to completed commands

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * Add xz compression extension for kernel modules

  [ Igor Murzov ]
  * sudo: Handle options (Alioth: #311414).
  * sudoedit: New completion.
  * _command_offset: Properly quote arguments of eval (Alioth:
  * mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.0-3.2
  * _modules: Ignore error messages.
  * modprobe, modinfo, insmod: Move modprobe and modinfo completions
    to their own files.
  * sbopkg: Use _parse_help.
  * sbopkg, slackpkg, slapt-{get,src}: Use shorter form of the check
    if file exists.
  * _filedir: Properly quote paths to avoid unexpected expansion.
  * su: Add linux-specific completion
  * insmod, modprobe: Don't hardcode path to modinfo (Alioth: #313569)
  * man: --path option is supported on Darwin (Alioth: #313584)
  * man: Move variable declaration to the right place.
  * feh: Update option argument completions.
  * fbi, feh: Complete more supported file formats.
  * fbgs: Add new options introduced in fbida-2.09.
  * cppcheck: Complete new --relative-paths option arguments
  * _expand: Suppress unwanted bash error messages (Alioth: #313497)

  [ Itaï BEN YAACOV ]
  * scp: Recognise symlinks to directories as directories (Debian:

  [ Jonathan Nieder ]
  * ri: Rename ri_get_methods helper to add leading underscore

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * rmmod: Add option completions.
  * testsuite/generate: Generate less linefeeds.
  * insmod: Install for insmod.static too.
  * mplayer: Add -monitoraspect arg completion.
  * mplayer: Add generic handling of options that take arguments.
  * testsuite: Fix spurious modinfo and modprobe test failures on
    systems that have /lib and /lib64 dirs.
  * pigz: Add -p/--processes arg completion.
  * testsuite: Add basic su test case.
  * su: Fix long option handling.
  * su: Add --session-command arg completion.
  * su: Complete -s/--shell with shells instead of all files.
  * lyx: Remove simple completion, upstream has more complete one
    (Debian: #662203)
  * testsuite/generate: Tweak linefeeds.
  * make: Add generic variable completion.
  * man: Recognize 3gl as man page filename extension -- at least Mesa
    uses it.
  * _realcommand: Try greadlink before readlink (Alioth: #313659).
  * Comment spelling fix.
  * qiv: Add *.svg.
  * xmllint: Add *.svgz.
  * autotools: Use MKDIR_P instead of mkdir_p (Alioth: #313671).
  * lbzip2: Add -n argument completion.
  * *_tilde*: Escape tilde in [[ $1 == \~* ]] tests (RedHat: #817902).
  * New completions:
    - acpi, hwclock, pwd, ssh-add, vmstat

  [ Sung Pae ]
  * Workaround bash bug that fails to complete <, >

 -- David Paleino <>  Sun, 17 Jun 2012 20:01:36 +0200

bash-completion (1.99)

  * Hopefully the last 2.0 preview.

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Correctly list purgeable packages for dpkg --listfiles and dpkg
    --purge (Debian: #647684)
  * Fix bash_completion paths in README (Debian: #647941)

  [ Florian Hubold ]
  * xv: Add *.eps and *.ps to filename completions (Alioth: #313477)

  [ Igor Murzov ]
  * Add and use _sysvdirs() function that sets correct SysV init
  * cppcheck: Add new options introduced in cppcheck-1.52.
  * cppcheck: Several ids separated by commas can be given for
  * _known_hosts_real: Add some quotes (Alioth #313158)
  * Merge completions/service into the bash_completion script.
  * _modules: Follow symlinks in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) (Alioth:
  * mount, umount: Add linux-specific completions.
  * mount: Don't suggest short options.
  * pidof: Don't check OS type (Alioth #311403)
  * removepkg: Make it possible to complete filenames.
  * umount: Fix for completion of relative paths.
  * upgradepkg: Support oldpackage%newpackage notation.
  * wine: Complete all files after an .exe (Alioth #313131)
  * New completions:
    - htop, nethogs.

  [ Jan Kratochvil ]
  * rpm: Treat -r as --root (RedHat: #759224).

  [ Raphaël Droz ]
  * Added a word about compopt -o nospace in styleguide.txt.
  * _ip_addresses: Make it locale agnostic.

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * cc, c++: Install gcc completion if compiler looks like GCC
    (Alioth: #311408).
  * cppcheck: Offer header filename completions too.
  * curl: Add bunch of new option argument completions.
  * dequote: Use printf instead of echo (Alioth: #312163).
  * dict: Speed up word completion with common use cases and large
    word lists.
  * dmesg: Adapt to versions returning long options.
  * Document $split && return.
  * _filedir, _tilde: Ignore compopt stderr for direct invocations in
    unit tests.
  * Include doc/ in dist tarball.
  * _known_hosts_real: Handle more than two hostnames per known hosts
    line (Debian: #647352).
  * _known_hosts_real: Include hosts reported by ruptime (Alioth:
  * _known_hosts_real: Support > 1 files per *KnownHostsFile line
    (Debian: #650514).
  * lintian: Use <<< instead of echo and a pipe (Alioth: #312163).
  * lrzip: -T no longer takes an argument since version 0.570.
  * _mac_addresses: Grab addresses from FreeBSD's ifconfig -a output
  * make: Add -j/--jobs completion, complete up to number of CPUs * 2.
  * _muttconffiles: Use printf instead of echo (Alioth: #312163).
  * _parse_help, _parse_usage: If first arg is "-", read from stdin.
  * rpm: Add --delsign completion, don't suggest --resign (identical
    to --addsign).
  * _variables: New function split from _init_completion.
  * vi and friends: Fix /etc/* completion (Alioth:
  * New completions:
    - plague-client, desktop-file-validate, valgrind, ccache, iperf,
      koji, lzip, udevadm.

 -- David Paleino <>  Sat, 07 Jan 2012 23:52:36 +0100

bash-completion (1.90)

  * bash-completion 2 preview: dynamic loading of completions.

  [ David Paleino ]
  * If _filedir 'ext' returns nothing, just fallback to generic file
    completion. It is optional, and off by default. Patch by Clint Byrum
    (Debian: #619014, LP: #533985)
  * Fix __get_cword_at_cursor_by_ref: check for $index when completing with a
    cword+1 argument already present (Debian: #622383)
  * Layout change: everything is now in /usr/share/bash-completion/, rather
    than in /etc/.
  * Fix autotools to use pkgdatadir instead of redefining datadir, get rid of
  * Implemented a blacklist for unwanted third-parties completions
  * New completions:
    - epdfview, lpr and lpq (Raphaël Droz), mysql (Raphaël Droz)
  * Improved completions:
    - ant: handle "extension-point" the same as "target" tag (Petr Kozelka,
      Alioth: #313105)
    - apt: add 'download' to subcommands (Debian: #625234, Ubuntu: #720541)
    - aptitude: add 'versions' command (Debian: #604393)
    - dpkg-query: use the 'dpkg' completion (Debian: #642526)
    - lintian: remove --unpack-level (Debian: #623680)
    - {shadow,coreutils}: fix broken _allowed_groups usage
    - rrdtool: complete filenames after commands (Debian: #577933)
    - sitecopy: fixed a bug with grep and brackets: use sitecopy -v to fetch
      sites (Raphaël Droz).

  [ Freddy Vulto ]
  * Improve __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref() (Alioth #313057)
  * Testsuite:
    - add -unsorted option to _get_hosts()

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * Use $() for subshell, instead of backquotes
  * Use simple quotes for constant strings
  * Drop -o filenames, as suggested by Ville
  * New completions: puppet

  [ Igor Murzov ]
  * Abort completion file loading earlier if required commands are not
  * docs: Improve tester's manual
  * Make completions that use _command also work with file names
  * _command_offset: Restore compopts used by called command.
  * New completions:
    - pkgtool, makepkg, rmp2tgz, slapt-get, slapt-src, slackpkg, kcov, feh,
      xgamma, fbi, fbgs
  * Improved completions:
    - file: ddd few missing --exclude arguments completions
    - host, nslookup: Remove completions for bind utils from bash_completion.
    - {install,upgrade,explode}pkg: use -o plusdirs instead of -o dirnames
    - makepkg: should complete filenames
    - removepkg, upgradepkg, installpkg: add option completion
    - xrandr: Add more option completions.
    - overall clean up of different slackware-specific completions
  * Testsuite:
    - add basic tests for pkgtools, rpm2tgz, slapt, sbopkg, slackpkg
    - fix broken tests for finger and xhost
    - remove unused -expect-cmd-full option from assert_complete*

  [ Sergey V ]
  * New completions: sbopkg

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Load completions in separate files dynamically, get rid of have()
  * Drop unnecessary $USERLAND checks
  * Try /usr/sbin before /sbin in have()
  * Try both full path and basename completions for sudo etc (Alioth: #313065)
  * Add _init_completion() for common completion initialization and generic
    redirection handling
  * Replace actual sysconfdir in bash_completion on install (Alioth: #313081)
  * Drop support for bash < 4.1
  * Drop no longer needed _compopt_o_filenames()
  * Drop no longer needed "type compopt" checks
  * docs: Update "simply sourcing" instructions to match new layout, check
  * Get rid of bash_completion self-parsing from _filedir_xspec
    (RedHat: #479936).
  * Provide profile.d hook for per user disabling of bash_completion
    (Debian: #593835)
  * New completions:
    - a2x, arping, asciidoc, base64, cal, chrpath, cppcheck, curl, dmesg,
      dot, file, gnome-mplayer, gprof, hddtemp, host, htpasswd, idn, ionice,
      jps, lbunzip2, lbzip2, lbzcat, prelink, protoc, pwdx, pwgen, reptyr,
      sum (RedHat: #717341), watch
    - phing: reuse ant completion (Elan Ruusamäe, Alioth: #312910)
    - pinfo: reuse info completion
  * Improved completions:
    - bluez, e2fsprogs, grpck, java (Mattias Ulbrich), passwd, pwck, route,
      rsync, smartctl
    - ant: improve -lib, -find/-s, and -D argument completions; rewrite build
      target parsing in plain bash, add build file test case
    - aspell: add --add-filter|--rem-filter completions; get --mode completions
      from 'aspell modes' output
    - bzip2, gzip, python, sysbench: quote command argument to _parse_help()
    - chsh: use _allowed_users instead of plain compgen -u
    - cksfv: add -g argument completion
    - cpan2dist: don't hang if no package list files exist
    - crontab: use /sys/fs/selinux and /selinux instead of /etc/selinux to
      find out if SELinux is around
    - cvs: (diff) parse options from cvs diff instead of plain diff; drop -o
      default to fix CVS root completions; (commit) complete on entries
      instead of default if COMP_CVS_REMOTE is not set; improve CVS
      controlled file completions; add CVS controlled file completions for
      admin and update; list "primary" command names first in mode switch;
      recognize some additional commands and synonyms; add editors/watchers
      completion; sort mode completions alphabetically
    - freeciv: complete freeciv-* in addition to civclient/civserver
    - gdb: improve filename completion
    - gendiff: do file completion after output redirection
    - getent: add gshadow to known databases; allow multiple completions from
      same db, add option completion
    - info: add option completion support
    - ipsec (Tobias Brunner): drop uname check, add strongSwan specific
      completion with fallback, complete connection names for 'up', 'down' and
      other commands
    - jar: complete on *.sar (JBoss service archive)
    - java, javac: add -X* completions
    - javadoc: implement -linkoffline two argument completion
    - killall: activate completion on Darwin (Alioth: #312350)
    - (la)tex (Ted Pavlic): add *.dbj to filename completions (RedHat: #678122)
    - man: add option parsing and completion
    - modplug*: add more extensions for files supported by libmodplug
    - mutt: support tildes when recursively sourcing muttrc files
      (Debian: #615134); expand tilde in mutt query command (Alioth: #312759)
    - ntpdate: add some option argument (non)completions
    - oo{writer,impress,calc,draw} (Matej Cepl): complete  on LibreOffice
      FlatXML extensions (RedHat: #692548)
    - perldoc (Scott Bronson): override MANPAGER when generating perldoc
      completions (RedHat: #689180); don't parse man page when we know it'll
      produce no completions; use perldoc itself instead of man
    - pgrep: add option and option argument completions
    - rpm: make rpm --queryformat use more consistent; drop rpm query support
      for rpm < 4.1
    - rpmbuild: add --buildpolicy completion
    - rpmcheck: drop reference to undefined $files variable (Alioth: #313270)
    - screen: add _terms() and -T completion; add commands completion
      (Alioth: #312164, RedHat: #547852)
    - _services: avoid bogus completions when init or xinetd dirs exist but are
      empty; include systemd services
    - smartctl: fix short alternative for --tolerance
    - ssh, scp, sftp, ssh-copy-id: add some option argument (non)completions
    - strace: don't append space for -e *= completions; don't try to extract
      syscall names if they're not going to be used; rewrite arch specific
      syscall extraction in plain bash
    - svn*: don't suggest short options
    - tar: fix completion of files inside *.tar.bz2 archives when [Ijy] is not
      given; added option completions; improve tar *[cr]*f completions
      (Debian: #618734)
    - unzip: complete on *.sar (JBoss service archive)
    - xmllint, xmlwf: complete on *.tld (tag library descriptor)
    - xmlwf: add -v non-completion
    - xmms: add some option argument completions
    - xz: apply xz completion to pxz too; non-complete
  * Testsuite:
    - add basic tests for gendiff, mdadm, puppet, xzdec, mii-diag, mii-tool,
      grpck, passwd, pwck, samba, rdesktop, fusermount, tcpdump, l2ping,
      ssh-copy-id, postfix, qemu, ldap*, medusa, mdtool, monodevelop,
      msynctool, cfagent, lpr, lpq, mysql, nslookup, compare, conjure,
      import, stream
    - fix tests for ri
    - fix get_hosts option docs.
    - add test case for Debian: #622383.
    - add chown foo: and :foo test cases, should complete files
      (RedHat: #710714)

 -- David Paleino <>  Thu, 03 Nov 2011 09:53:55 +0000

bash-completion (1.3)

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * added pure-perl perldoc completion helper, using work from Aristotle
    Pagaltzis (
  * added completions for xfreerdp and iscsiadm
  * updated xm subcommands list

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Fixed "service" completion, thanks to John Hedges (Debian: #586210)
  * Complete on all files for mplayer's -dvd-device
  * Fixed typo in openssl completion (Debian: #609552)

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Activate hping2 completion also for hping and hping3.
  * Add badblocks, compgen, crontab, dumpe2fs, e2freefrag, e2label, ether-wake,
    filefrag, gendiff, growisofs, iftop, ip (Debian: #600617), javaws, kid3,
    lrzip, lsof, mktemp, portecle, POSIX sh, sha{,224,256,384,512}sum,
    sysbench, tune2fs, xmodmap, and xrdb completions.
  * Add *.gif (Alioth: #312512), *.m2t (Alioth: #312770), *.3gpp, *.3gpp2,
    *.awb, and *.iso (Alioth: #311420) to mplayer filename completions.
  * Add "short" tarball extensions to unxz, unlzma etc completions.
  * Improve /etc/init.d/*, ipmitool, jar, java, javadoc, man, mencoder, mkdir,
    mplayer, pack200, povray, python, rpmbuild, sqlite3, tar, wodim, and
    general help parsing completions.
  * Fix p4 and povray completions (Alioth: #312625).
  * Add *.xsd, *.xsl, *.rng, *.wsdl, and *.jnlp to xmllint and xmlwf filename
    completions, and *.gz versions of all of the supported ones for xmllint.
  * Recognize rpm query mode based on the --file, --group, --package, and
    --all long options (RedHat: #630328).
  * Improve rpm query option completions.
  * Drop bad kompare filename completion (Alioth: #312708).
  * Make _filedir and _filedir_xspec complete uppercase versions of their
    filename extension arguments in addition to exact case matches.
  * IPv6 known hosts completion fixes (Alioth: #312695, RedHat: #630658).
  * Fixes to completions for filenames containing tabs (RedHat: #629518).
  * Add *.iso (Alioth: #311420), *.m2t and *.m2ts (Alioth: #312770) to
    xine-based player filename completions.
  * Add /etc/ethers to MAC address completion sources.
  * Add *.gem and *.spkg to tar filename completions.
  * Complete known hosts from avahi-browse only if $COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_AVAHI
    is non-empty (Alioth: #312691, RedHat: #630326).
  * Improve relevance of many user/group completions, depending on context.
  * Remove most "-o filenames" options to "complete", turn "-o filenames" on
    dynamically when needed instead.
  * Add/improve various autotools completions.
  * Add *.apk to unzip and jar filename completions.
  * Do not load bash_completion in profile.d script if progcomp is not enabled.
  * Ignore muttrc source entries that are not files (Alioth: #312881).
  * Re-enable postgresql database and user completion (Alioth: #312914,
    Ubuntu: #164772).
  * Add *.fdf to various PDF viewer completions.

  [ Freddy Vulto ]
  * Added _tilde(), fix ~username completion (Alioth: #312613, Debian: #587095)
  * Speed up `compopt' availability detection
  * Fix _filedir `-o filenames' detection on bash-3 (Alioth: #312646)
  * Fix __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref (Alioth #312740)

  [ Anton Khirnov ]
  * Improve mplayer and mencoder completions.

  [ Paul Walmsley ]
  * Add *.webm to mplayer file completions (Debian: #588079).

  [ Miklos Vajna ]
  * Add *.amr to mplayer file completions (Alioth: #312634).

  [ Andrej Gelenberg ]
  * Add *.part (partially downloaded) to mplayer and xine-based player
    completions (Alioth: #312657).

  [ Stephen Gildea ]
  * Fix false posives for non-option words in _parse_help (Alioth: #312750).

  [ Andrey G. Grozin ]
  * Add *.fb2 to okular filename completions.

 -- David Paleino <>  Sun, 06 Feb 2011 19:03:46 +0100

bash-completion (1.2)

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Don't use pidof in _known_hosts_real() to detect whether Avahi is
    available, since it's not available on MacOS X. Thanks to Rainer
    Müller <> (bash-completion MacPorts maintainer)
  * Fixed "freq" and "rate" completion for iwconfig
  * contrib/munin-node fixed (Debian: #550943)
  * contrib/dpkg fixed -W and --show completing on .?(u)deb's (Debian: #552109)
  * contrib/aptitude: add @(add|remove)-user-tag
  * Added munindoc completion to contrib/munin-node, thanks to Tom
    Feiner (Debian: #553371)
  * Added colordiff completion, same as diff
  * contrib/cpio: added missing completions for -?, --help, --license, --usage,
    --version and (-p) --to-stdout (Debian: #557436)
  * Style policy: don't use fancy globbing in case labels
  * Added .fdf completion to okular and evince
  * Added .okular completion to okular (Debian: #545530)
  * Added lintian completion
  * Refreshed reportbug completion, added --from-buildd (Debian: #579471)
  * Special-case "apt-get source" (Debian: #572000)
  * Added lintian completion (Debian: #547361)
  * contrib/dpkg: update completion to current API
  * Styleguide: establish line wrapping and $() instead of ``

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Create bz2 dist tarball too.
  * Include CHANGES in dist tarball.
  * Include profile snippet in tarball, install it.
  * Rename contrib/bluez-utils to contrib/bluez to follow bluez 4.x naming.
  * Apply cardctl completion to pccardctl too.
  * Apply pine completion to alpine too.
  * Remove many unnecessary short option completions where long ones exist.
  * Improve chsh, chgrp, chown, configure, curl, cvs, find, gkrellm, gzip,
    iconv, lftp, look, lzma, make, man, mdadm, modprobe, mount, mplayer,
    mysqladmin, perldoc, rsync, screen, service, scp, ssh, sshfs, unzip,
    update-alternatives, vncviewer, wget, yp-tools, xine based players' and
    general hostname completions.
  * Add abook and wtf completion, based on work by Raphaël Droz.
  * Add cvsps, dragon, fusermount, jarsigner, k3b, lftpget, modplug123,
    pm-utils, rtcwake, pack200, unpack200, pbzip2, pbunzip2, pbzcat, pigz,
    unpigz, and wol completions.
  * Don't overwrite other host completions when completing from multiple
    SSH known hosts files.
  * Speed up installed rpm package completion on SUSE, based on work by
    Marco Poletti (Alioth: #312021).
  * Improve sourcing snippets from completion dirs.
  * Drop support for bash < 3.  The compatibility global variables $bashN,
    $default, $dirnames, $filenames, $compopt, $nospace, $bashdefault, and
    $plusdirs have been dropped too.  3rd party completions should switch
    to using the complete/compgen features directly, and BASH_VERSINFO
    for bash version checks.
  * Protect various completions from unusual user input by not embedding the
    input in external command arguments (Debian: #552631).
  * Add /sbin to $PATH when invoking ifconfig and iwconfig.
  * Combine dcop and qdbus completions into the latter.
  * awk and sed usage portability fixes (Alioth: #311393, Debian: #501479).
  * Fix leaking local variables from various completions.
  * Turn on -o filenames in _filedir on bash >= 4.
  * Deprecate modules completion, upstream modules >= 3.2.7 ships one.
  * Protect grep invocations from user aliases (Alioth: #312143).
  * Split sshfs completion from contrib/ssh into contrib/sshfs.
  * Split mount and umount completion into contrib/mount.
  * Split service completion into contrib/service.
  * Split chown, chgrp, and id completions into contrib/coreutils.
  * Split kill, look, and renice completions into contrib/util-linux.
  * Split killall, pkill, pgrep and related completions into contrib/procps.
  * Split ipsec completion into contrib/ipsec.
  * Split ifup and ifdown completions into contrib/ifupdown.
  * Do basic HTML file completion with Firefox and Chrome and friends,
    and Epiphany.
  * Do basic diff/patch completion with cdiff and kompare.
  * Don't install mock completion by default, it's in upstream mock > 1.1.0.
  * Do basic text editor completion with xemacs, sxemacs, kate, and kwrite.
  * Do meta-command completion for aoss and padsp.

  [ Freddy Vulto ]
  * Prevent root PATH expansion prolifering in _root_command (bash >= 4.1.4)
  * Only complete xhost if (_)xhost is available.
  * Added _get_comp_words_by_ref to replace both _get_cword & _get_pword.
    Also additional variables `words' and `cword' can be returned.
  * Added _upvar & _upvars helper functions to aid in passing variables
    by reference.
  * Make _filedir emulate `-o filenames'
  * Fixed completion perl modules containing colons.
  * Merged __get_cword3 & __get_cword4 to _get_cword.
  * Added __expand_tilde_by_ref helper function.
  * Added __ltrim_colon_completions to fix completions containing colons
  * Improved mutt completion
  * Added _get_pword helper function, thanks to Sung Pae (Alioth: #312030)

  [ Ted Stern ]
  * Fix modules completion for "(default)" entries.

  [ Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle ]
  * Fix rsync remote path completion (Alioth: #312173, Gentoo: #297818).

  [ Leonard Crestez ]
  * Improve ssh -o suboption completion (Alioth: #312122).
  * Fix NFS mounts completion (Alioth: #312285).
  * Fix completion of usernames (Alioth: #311396, Debian: #511788).
  * Fix chown test crashing on systems with no root group (Alioth: #312306).
  * Fixed tests when BASH_COMPLETION or TESTDIR contain spaces.
  * Fix mount handling of escapes (Alioth: #311410, Launchpad: #219971,
    Debian: #511149).
  * Cleanup scripts to run tests. Make runUnit and runCompletion use test/run.
    Make it possible to run tests from any directory.
  * Add a --debug-xtrace option to test/run using BASH_XTRACEFD from bash-4.1.
  * Add a --timeout option to test/run to override the default expect timeout.

  [ Raphaël Droz ]
  * Add xsltproc completion (Alioth: #311843).

  [ Adrian Friedli ]
  * Add ipv6calc completion.

  [ Ildar Mulyukov ]
  * Add showmount completion (Alioth: #312285).

  [ Neville Gao ]
  * Fix mount completion error "bash: [: too many arguments" (Alioth #312381).

  [ Austin English ]
  * Make lookup of wine file completions case insensitive.

  [ Igor Murzov ]
  * Improve xz completion (Alioth: #312466).

  [ Mario Schwalbe ]
  * Update find completion (Alioth: #312491, Launchpad: #570113).

  [ Mark van Rossum ]
  * Add basic lyx completion.

 -- David Paleino <>  Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:44:59 +0200

bash-completion (1.1)

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Permit .gz files concatenation (Debian: #514377)
  * Fix svk completion using $filenames instead of $default (Debian: #524961)
  * Really add build-dep to aptitude's completion (Debian: #495883)
  * Fix checks for GNUish userland, thanks to Robert Millan (Debian: #529510)
  * Fix typo in .ass subtitles completion for mplayer (Debian: #531337)
  * Fix regression on man(1) completion: also complete on local .3pm files
    (Debian: #531343)
  * Split mutt completion to contrib/mutt
  * Split iconv completion to contrib/iconv
  * Split dict completion to contrib/dict
  * Split {update,invoke}-rc.d completions to contrib/sysv-rc
  * Don't install _subversion anymore, upstream completion is better than
    ours. Added to EXTRA_DIST in
  * Split autorpm completion to contrib/autorpm
  * Split jar completion to contrib/jar
  * Split chkconfig completion to contrib/chkconfig
  * Split chsh completion to contrib/chsh
  * Split apt_build completion to contrib/apt-build
  * Split aptitude-related completions to contrib/aptitude
  * Split apt-cache and apt-get completions to contrib/apt
  * Split rpm-related completions to contrib/rpm
  * Split cvs-related completions to contrib/cvs
  * Split man completion to contrib/man
  * Split bash builtins completions to contrib/bash-builtins
  * Split dpkg-related completions to contrib/dpkg (and re-enable usage
    of grep-status if available)
  * Split gcc completion to contrib/gcc
  * Split dselect completion to contrib/dselect
  * Split cardctl completion to contrib/cardctl
  * Split pineaddr completion to contrib/pine
  * Added avahi-discovered hosts to _known_hosts_real() (Debian: #518561)
  * Added m4v completion to mplayer (Debian: #504213)
  * Improve qemu completion (Debian: #534901)
  * Added sshfs completion (shares the same as scp) (Debian: #545978)
  * Fixed obvious brokenness (typos) in contrib/mdadm
  * Clean []:port format in known_hosts, thanks to
    Xuefer (Gentoo: #284563)
  * Added --no-generate to "apt-cache pkgnames" calls, make it faster
    on certain configurations (Debian: #547550)
  * Split okular from evince filename extension completion, needed to add
    okular-specific completions: xps, epub, odt, fb, mobi, g3 and chm.
    Also, okular can read any of its formats also in .gz/.bz2 compressed
    format, so change the regular expression to match this.
  * Remove --with-suggests and --without-suggests from aptitude completion
  * Patches from PLD Linux (thanks to Elan Ruusamäe):
    - avoid sed pipe as ps itself can omit the headers
    - improve service(8) completion, also look for "msg_usage"

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Split yum completion to contrib/_yum (no longer installed by default, the
    intent is to move it to yum upstream soon).
  * Split yum-arch completion into contrib/yum-arch, load completion only if
    yum-arch is installed.
  * Update list of yum commands and options.
  * Add yum repolist, --enable/disablerepo, --disableexcludes, -d, -e, --color,
    and --enable/disableplugin completions.
  * Add chkconfig --override and resetpriorities completions.
  * Split mplayer and friends completions to contrib/mplayer.
  * Parse top level mplayer and friends option completions from -list-options.
  * Fix dir-only completion for make to include only dirs, not files.
  * Remove unused variable RELEASE.
  * Improve aspell dictionary completion: don't hardcode data-dir, get
    canonical dicts from "aspell dicts".
  * Always use /etc/shells for chsh -s completion, don't complete on comment
    lines in it.
  * Fix rpm --whatrequires/--whatprovides completions with spaces and other
    unusual characters, add filename based --whatrequires completions.
  * Add modplugplay filename completion.
  * Add more mod-like audio file extensions for xine-based players and timidity.
  * Complete on plain alternatives like update-alternatives.
  * Rename installed_alternatives() to _installed_alternatives().
  * Add /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf to list of default openssl config files,
    search for default ones only if -config is not given.
  * Use POSIX compliant arguments to tail in mkisofs completion.
  * Protect various completions from unusual user input by not embedding the
    input in external command arguments.
  * Add _split_longopt() helper for improved handling of long options that
    take arguments in both "--foo bar" and "--foo=bar" formats.
  * Use _split_longopt to improve and clean up aspell, bluez-utils, chgrp,
    chown, chkconfig, cpio, dpkg, heimdal, iptables, mailman, make, mc,
    mii-diag, mii-tool, mkinitrd, pkg-config, postgresql, quota, reportbug,
    samba, smartctl, yum, and generic long option completion (Alioth: #311398).
  * Add chown --from and --reference value completions.
  * Add chgrp --reference value completion.
  * Do not assume all --foo= options take filenames in generic long option
    completion, assume only that --*file*= does, and that --*dir*= takes dirs.
  * Add make --old/new-file, --assume-old/new, --what-if value completions.
  * Add smartctl -n/--nocheck completion, add more other value completions.
  * Fix leaking $prev from cpio, dsniff, freeciv, gkrellm, mkinitrd, service,
    and tcpdump completions.
  * Split ant completion to contrib/ant, improve the built in one.
  * Improve postfix completion.
  * Improve samba completion.
  * Split lilo completion to contrib/lilo.
  * Split reportbug and querybts completions to contrib/reportbug.
  * Remove debug output noise from quotaon completion.
  * Split Linux wireless tools completion to contrib/wireless-tools.
  * Add mock completion.
  * Split FreeBSD kld(un)load completion to contrib/kldload.
  * Split FreeBSD pkg_* completion to contrib/pkg_install.
  * Split FreeBSD portupgrade and friends completion to contrib/portupgrade.
  * Split Slackware pkgtools completion to contrib/pkgtools.
  * Improve rpm group completion (displayed completions are still wrong).
  * Change many completions to load in memory only if the completed commands
    are available.
  * Invoke the actual mplayer/mencoder command being completed (with full path)
    to get various completions instead of simply "mplayer" or "mencoder".
  * Associate OOXML/MS Office 2007 extensions with OpenOffice applications.
  * Associate .tsv with oocalc.
  * Add xmlwf completion.
  * Associate *.po with poedit, gtranslator, kbabel, and lokalize.
  * Add xz, xzcat, xzdec, and unxz completion.
  * Add lzcat, lz*grep, lzless, lzmore, and unlzma completion.
  * Load "modules" completion if /etc/profile.d/ exists even if
    the "module" alias has not been defined (yet).
  * Add *.ogv to xine-based players (Debian: #540033).
  * Add $compopt (":" i.e. no-op with bash < 4, "compopt" with >= 4).
  * Complete bzcat and zcat only on compressed files.
  * Do not require a dot in bzcmp, bzdiff, bz*grep, zcmp, zdiff, z*grep, zless,
    and zmore filename completions.
  * Add xz and compress support and more tarball filename extensions to
    rpmbuild -t*/--tarbuild completion.
  * Don't hardcode path to lsmod.
  * Fix sbcl file/dirname completion (Debian: #545743).
  * Add /sbin to $PATH when invoking lspci and lsusb.
  * Support .xz suffix in info page completions.
  * Prevent rpm --define/-D completions from falling through.
  * Add more common options to rpm option completions.

  [ Todd Zullinger ]
  * Make yum complete on filenames after install, deplist, update and upgrade
    when the following argument contains a slash.

  [ Mike Kelly ]
  * Fix _filedir on bash 4.
  * Add support for xz to tar completion.
  * Fix _quote_readline on bash 4 (Debian: #544024).

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * Split mkinitrd completion to contrib/mkinitrd, improve it.
  * Split smartctl completion to contrib/smartctl.
  * Better ssh and sftp completion
  * Better xhost completion
  * Split _known_hosts completion in two parts, to avoid parsing command line
  * Added strace completion
  * Added xm completion
  * Added rpcdebug completion
  * Added msynctool completion
  * Added openldap completion
  * Added ldapvi completion
  * Added heimdal completion
  * Added vpnc completion
  * Added rpmcheck completion
  * Added munin-node completion
  * Added bluez-utils completion
  * Added samba completion
  * Added cfengine completion
  * Added xmllint completion, contributed by Ville
  * Added shadow completion, contributed by Ville
  * Added repomanage completion, contributed by Ville
  * Splitted and enhanced openssl completion
  * Added rfkill, mdadm and resolvconf completions

  [ Raphaël Droz ]
  * Add mount -L and -U completion.

  [ Philipp Weis ]
  * Add .dvi.{gz,bz2} completion for evince/okular (Debian: #522656)

  [ Freddy Vulto ]
  * Patched _known_hosts() to support multiple {Global,User}KnownHosts in SSH
    config files, thanks to Thomas Nilsson (Alioth: #311595) (Debian: #524190)
  * Fix leaking $i from info, man and python completions.
  * Added setting COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE. _known_hosts_real() will add
    hosts from HOSTFILE, unless COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE is set to an
    empty value (Alioth: #311821)
  * Quoted $cur to prevent globbing - thanks to Eric Blake (Alioth #311614)
  * Fix leaking $muttcmd from mutt completion
  * Fix completing multiple hosts (Debian: #535585)

  [ Michele Ballabio ]

  * Add more extensions to pkgtools completion.

 -- David Paleino <>  Sat, 03 Oct 2009 15:41:49 +0200

bash-completion (1.0)

  [ Guillaume Rousse ]
  * Make bibtex complete on .aux files
  * Add .xvid and .XVID to player completion
  * Added cowsay/cowthink completion
  * Added brctl completion
  * Added cpan2dist completion
  * Added qemu completion
  * Added net-tools (mii-tool and mii-diag) completions
  * Added minicom completion
  * Added quota-tools completion
  * Added rdesktop completion
  * Added tightvncviewer completion
  * Cleanup screen completion, and make it completes on options

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Added .kar to Timidity completion.
  * Fix killall completion, remove trailing ":" on certain process
  * Fix man -l completing filenames (Debian: #497074)
  * (Partly) fixed java classes completion (Debian: #496828). Look for
    FIXME in source.
  * Dump to /dev/null error message from look(1) with no arguments
    (Debian: #495142)
  * Set ssh as default for rsync (was rsh) (Debian: #492328)
  * Added .oga, .ogv, .ogx to mplayer completion (Debian: #496162)
  * Added .epub to unzip|zipinfo completion (Debian: #492476)
  * Added ssh-copy-id completion (Debian: #491856)
  * Moved ssh completion to separate file (Debian: #360628)
  * Bogus completion when mounting subdirs fixed (Debian: #322238)
  * Fix `apt-cache showsrc` completing only on source package names
    (Debian: #361535)
  * Fixed bugs with gdb completion:
    - when an empty directory is in $PATH (thanks to Morita Sho)
      (Debian: #497597)
    - when a non-existing directory is in $PATH (Debian: #499780)
  * Fix missing completion for "-n" and "-e" (we were using echo, now
    using printf) (thanks to Morita Sho) (Debian: #498105)
  * Fixed gpg completion:
    - --@(export|@(?(l|nr|nrl)sign|edit)-key)) (Debian: #500316)
    - -@(r|-recipient))
  * Fixed .cb[rz] completion for evince (Debian: #502885)
  * Added gksudo, gksu, kdesudo completion
  * Added apache2ctl completion
  * Added gpg2 completion (Debian: #489927)
  * Fixed mplayer -skin completion (Debian: #501473)
  * Fixed errors with POSIX enabled (Debian: #502804)
  * Fixed dpkg-source wrong exit() with return() (Debian: #)
  * Added --schedule-only to aptitude's completion (Debian: #502664)
  * Added build-dep to aptitude's completion (Debian: #495883)
  * Added support for `-F configfile' to _known_hosts(), ssh, scp and
    sftp, thanks to Freddy Vulto (Debian: #504141)
  * Fixed sed quoting bug in _known_hosts(), thanks to Freddy Vulto
    (Debian: #504650)
  * Allow `Host(Name)' in ssh config file to be indented
  * Allow `Host(Name)' in ssh config file to have trailing comment.
  * Allow for comments in known_hosts files (Debian: #511789)
  * Fixed perl -I/-x completion, thanks to Freddy Vulto
    (Debian: #504547)
  * README updated: explain how to use bash-completion correctly.
    (Debian: #506560)
  * TODO updated: the Alioth team is now upstream.
  * Added qdbus completion, thanks to Terence Simpson (Ubuntu: #257903)
  * Added monodevelop and mdtool completions.
  * Split subversion-related completions to contrib/_subversion
    (prefixed with _ to avoid file conflicts with upstream's one)
  * Fixed completion of environment variables, thanks to Morita Sho
    (Debian: #272660)
  * Fix dpkg completion bug: it listed only non-Essential packages
    (Debian: #511790)
  * Fixed _dpkg_source completion (Debian: #503317)
  * Added _parse_help() to try to parse options listed in $command
  * Fixed gzip completion to use _parse_help(), since the available
    options vary with distributions
  * Added to_review/ directory, where completions needing a review would
    go. After it gets accepted, the completion would go into contrib/.
  * Remove unused UNAME local variable in _info() (Debian: #501843)
  * AUTHORS added
  * Make _alias() use _get_cword
  * Added .zip to jar completions (Debian: #521041)
  * Merge from Gentoo:
    - fix 'find' completion so that it properly completes on -?(i)whilename.
      Patch by Ciaran McCreesh.
    - use make -qp to parse the Makefile for us, so we get proper completion
      on things like pattern rules. Patch by Mike Kelly <>.
    - complete on gkrellm2 as well. Patch by Aaron Walker.
    - fix CVS completion
  * Merge from Ubuntu:
    - consume error messages in configure completion (Ubuntu: #223882)
      (Mika Fischer)
    - quote $xspec in _filedir_xspec in case it is empty, which would
      cause errors if there was no match under failglob. (Ubuntu: #194419)
      (Mika Fischer)
  * debian/links fixed (Debian: #494292)
  * debian/control:
    - fixed typo in the long description
    - added Vcs-* fields
  * debian/install:
    - correctly install contrib/* under /etc/bash_completion.d/
  * debian/copyright updated
  * extra/dh_bash-completion:
    - updated to support a list of files in debian/<package>.bash-completion
      (Debian: #512917)

  [ Ville Skyttä ]
  * Added JPEG 2000 files to display completion, thanks to Bastien Nocera
    (RedHat: #304771)
  * Improved rpm macro completion.
  * Added -E to rpm completion.
  * Improved rpm backup file avoidance.
  * Improved /var/log/rpmpkgs based rpm installed package completion.
  * Improved performance of rpm -qa based rpm installed package completion.
  * Improved features and performance of yum completion.
  * Added support for p (POSIX) and x ( man sections.
  * Improved filename based man page completion.
  * Added minimal sqlite3 completion.
  * Improved getent completion (Ville Skyttä, Guillaume Rousse).
  * (Re)fix gzip and bzip2 options completion.
  * Improved svn filename completion (RedHat: #430059).
  * Add lzma completion (Per Øyvind Karlsen, Ville Skyttä).
  * Add .mp2 and .vdr to mplayer completion (RedHat: #444467).
  * Add .mkv, .mp2 and .vdr to *xine completion (RedHat: #444467).
  * Added lzop completion.
  * Fix scp metacharacter escaping.
  * Remove duplicate cpio completion, thanks to Freddy Vulto (Debian: #512823)
  * Fix awk error in "modprobe -r /" completion (Debian: #512556).
  * Expand ~foo to dir name more eagerly to avoid quoting issues.
  * Fix -sourcepath handling in javadoc packages completion.
  * Extract process name completion from _killall to _pnames, make it work
    for others than Linux and FreeBSD.
  * Fix process name completion with relative paths (RedHat: #484578).
  * Use improved process name completion in pgrep in addition to killall.
  * Enable pgrep and pkill completion if the commands are available, not just
    on Linux and FreeBSD.
  * Drop hg completion, an improved version is shipped with Mercurial
    (contrib/bash_completion in the tarball).
  * Make okular complete on same files as evince, thanks to Mary Ellen Foster
    (RedHat: #486998).
  * Apply ps2pdf completion to ps2pdf{12,13,14,wr} too.
  * Simplify, return earlier in non-applicable environments.
  * Remove obsolete --buildarch and --buildos rpm(build) completions.
  * Add rpmbuild --target completion.
  * Use "-profile help" to get mplayer and friends -profile completions.
  * Fix local array initialization under bash 3.0, prevents "()" occurring in
    file and dir name completions.

  [ Freddy Vulto ]
  * Restored `_display()' completion for `display' by removing
    completion-by-extension for `display' (Alioth#311429)
  * Removed duplicate completion option `-borderwidth' for `display'
  * Prevent completion dir from being sourced twice if
  * Make `_mii-tool()' and `_mii-diag()' POSIX-compliant
  * Fix _isql completion waiting for grep input if $ODBCINI not set; handle
    whitespace in $ODBCINI.
  * Split vncviewer completion in _tightvncviewer() and _xvnc4viewer()
    Added _realcommand() global function.

  [ Jakob Unterwurzacher ]
  * ps2pdf can run on .pdf files as well. (Debian: #516614, Ubuntu: #316943)

  [ Santiago M. Mola ]
  * Add .ape to mplayer supported extensions (Alioth#311510).

 -- David Paleino <>  Wed, 25 Mar 2009 23:18:24 +0100

bash-completion (20080705) unstable; urgency=low

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Added more completions to imagemagick (thanks to Nelson A. de
    Oliveira) (Debian: #487786)
  * Added xrandr completion (thanks to Anton Khirnov) (Debian: #487825)
  * Improving _gdb completion:
    - $filenames to $default (Debian: #463969)
    - also show directory names (i.e. compgen -d) in COMPREPLY.
    - added . to $PATH, to allow debugging "local" executables.
    - do not complete Bash's builtins (thanks to Morita Sho)

  [ Luk Claes ]
  * Remove use of ucf for /etc/bash-completion (Debian: #488171).

 -- Luk Claes <>  Sat, 05 Jul 2008 16:14:15 +0200

bash-completion (20080617.5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Revert way of setting environment variables (Debian: #487774).
  * Add equals sign to _get_cword for mutt_aliases (Debian: #482635).
  * Enhance mlayer completion (Debian: #487826, #487838).

 -- Luk Claes <>  Tue, 24 Jun 2008 19:50:57 +0200

bash-completion (20080617.4) experimental; urgency=low

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Merged Ubuntu changes:
    - added quote(), quote_readline(), dequote() helper functions.
    - added _remove_word()
    - fixed _get_cword()
    - refactored _filedir using quote_readline()
    - refactored _filedir_xspec using quote_readline()
    - fixed COMPREPLY's in _iwconfig
    - fixed _cvs()
    - _known_hosts(): use files from UserKnownHostsFile options in
                      addition to standard ones.
    - fixed _command() to correctly prune the command line
    - disabled completion of PostgreSQL users and databases (Ubuntu: #164772)
    - fixed _java_packages()
    - fixed _muttquery()
    - added flv/FLV completion to mplayer
    - added --installed to apt-cache
    - only complete on filenames for aspell
    - fixed code for exclusions compspecs
    - added code to gracefully handle debug options (set +/-v)

 -- Luk Claes <>  Mon, 23 Jun 2008 19:25:25 +0200

bash-completion (20080617.3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Fixed IFS for filedir_xspec - Thanks to Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
    (Debian: #487571)

  [ Luk Claes ]
  * Install dh-bash-completion to ease installation of completions.

 -- Luk Claes <>  Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:24:21 +0200

bash-completion (20080617.2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ David Paleino ]
  * New upstream release
    - provide a manpage for extra/dh_bash-completion
    - fix semi-serious problem with _filedir() (Debian: #487449)
  * debian/rules:
    - added rule to generate dh_bash-completion's manpage
  * debian/install, debian/dirs:
    - installing dh_bash-completion into /usr/bin
  * debian/control:
    - new package dh-bash-completion

  [ Luk Claes ]
  * Comment new package to make sure current fix gets in the archive first.
  * Add compression completion for vi(m).

 -- Luk Claes <>  Sun, 22 Jun 2008 19:47:23 +0200

bash-completion (20080617.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ David Paleino ]
  * Urgency set to medium because the package is currently unusable.
  * New upstream sub-release
    - fixed some typos here and there which prevented bash completions
      at all (Debian: #487441).
    - really closing Debian bug #455510.

 -- Luk Claes <>  Sun, 22 Jun 2008 00:22:53 +0200

bash-completion (20080617) unstable; urgency=low

  [ David Paleino ]
  * New upstream release
    - add more completions to aptitude (Debian: #432289)
    - fixed UTF-8 problem with _get_cword(), thanks to
      Andrei Paskevich (Debian: #472132)
    - fixed autoremove completion, thanks to Flavio Visentin
      (Debian: #474974)
    - cmf and CMF added to playmidi completion (Debian: #365658)
    - added rrdtool completion, thanks to Justin Pryzby (Debian: #428641)
    - added OpenDocument completion for unzip/zipinfo (.od{f,g,p,s,t})
      (Debian: #472940)
    - fixed escaping problems with job control (i.e. disown, jobs, bg,
      fg): the argument is now surrounded by "" (Debian: #347316)
    - make mkdir complete also on filenames (Debian: #376433)
    - {bz,z}{cat,cmp,diff,egrep,fgrep,grep,less,more} now should complete
      on all filenames, not just compressed archives (just commented out)
      (Debian: #455510)
    - fixes Perl completion (Debian: #470742)
    - fixes get_cword -> _get_cword typo (Debian: #478596)
    - fixes _get_cword() function to properly handle filenames with
      whitespaces (Debian: #394636, #468254, #474094)
    - added .pdf.bz2 completion to evince (Debian: #424736)
    - added .svg completion to display (Debian: #441017)
    - added .m2ts completion to mplayer (Debian: #480879)
    - added extra/dh_bash-completion to ease future rewrite of bc.
  * debian/copyright - now in a fancier machine-parsable format.
  * debian/control:
    - added myself to Uploaders
    - debhelper Build-Depends updated to >= 6.
  * debian/watch:
    - improved current watch line regex
    - added (commented out) probable future watch line
  * debian/compat bumped to 6
  * debian/dirs, debian/install and debian/links added
  * debian/rules:
    - refactored to make use of debian/{dirs,install,links}

  [ Steve Kemp ]
  * Applied patch to fix completion of umount command.
    (Debian: #470539)
  * Fixed the completion of Perl manpages.
    (Debian: #404976)
  * Added 'aif' to the filenames offed for completion for mplayer.
    (Debian: #474517)
  * Allow tsocks completion.
    (Debian: #409423)
  * Update mutt completion to handle local usernames.
    (Debian: #416655)
  * Update apt-get completion to include the flag "--no-install-recommends"
    (Debian: #475242)

 -- Luk Claes <>  Sat, 21 Jun 2008 21:59:43 +0200

bash-completion (20060301-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add some fixes from Ubuntu:
  * Fix completion of filenames with spaces (Debian: #468254).
  * Fix parsing of SSH config files (Debian: #435117).
  * Change priority to standard (Debian: #471666).
  * Add some more completions for xine (Debian: #452083, #471249).
  * Fix completion of gzip (Debian: #351913).
  * Also use $HOSTFILE in hostname completion (Debian: #400380).

 -- Luk Claes <>  Sat, 22 Mar 2008 23:10:30 +0000

bash-completion (20060301-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix kpdf completion (Debian: #468163, #413374).
  * Fix completion of - or -- with _command (Debian: #415276).
  * Add sux to the complete -u list (Debian: #466089).
  * Add dvipdfm to the list of dvi programs (Debian: #396644).
  * Add --purge-unused option completion for aptitude (Debian: #438471).
  * Add divx extension completion for mplayer (Debian: #444294).
  * Add pdf.gz completion for evince (Debian: #456887).
  * Add --remove-all completion for update-alternatives (Debian: #269173).

 -- Luk Claes <>  Wed, 05 Mar 2008 22:57:27 +0100

bash-completion (20060301-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Take over the package.

 -- Luk Claes <>  Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:22:03 +0100

bash-completion (20060301-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to unstable.

 -- Matthias Klose <>  Sat, 09 Feb 2008 23:18:20 +0100

bash-completion (20060301-0ubuntu2) hardy; urgency=low

  * Replace bash (<< 3.1dfsg-9), handle upgrade in preinst.
  * Exclude hashed hostnames from ssh host completion results. Debian: #428085.
  * Fix: ifup/down don't really complete. Debian: #463756.
  * Allow perl completion to complete filenames, complete -I and -x arguments.
    Debian: #443394.
  * Add find -wholename completion. Debian: #431220.
  * Handle whitespaces in $HOME for _known_hosts() completion. Debian: #414821.
  * dpkg -L: complete for removed-but-not-purged packages. Debian: #372156.
  * Complete for apt-get autoremove. Debian: #433542, #443816, #445332.
  * Update completion for mplayer (mka/flac). Debian: #340452.
  * Add ping6/fping6 completion. Debian: #413170.
  * Handle whitespace in paths for mount/umount completion. Debian: #367957.
  * apt-get: Support --auto-remove. Ubuntu: #60666.

 -- Matthias Klose <>  Sat, 09 Feb 2008 23:11:32 +0100

bash-completion (20060301-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

  * Initial release, split out from the bash package.
    The software currently is unsupported upstream.
  * Don't try to set a readonly variable. Ubuntu: #149527.
  * Support purge in apt-get auto completion (Mathias Gug). Ubuntu: #151677.
  * evince: Autocomplete on cbr/cbz/djvu files. Ubuntu: #156200, #175220.
    Debian: #400678.
  * kdvi: complete .*\.dvi\.(gz|bz2). Ubuntu: #128234.
  * kpdf: Complete postscript files. Ubuntu: #162319.
  * Make completion working in the middle of a word (Adam Simpkins).
    Ubuntu: #139666.

 -- Matthias Klose <>  Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:46:34 +0100