Your IP :

Current Path : /home/bitrix/ext_www/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/bitrix/ext_www/

namespace Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services;

use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\Event;
use Bitrix\Sale\Result;
use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery;
use Bitrix\Sale\Shipment;
use Bitrix\Main\EventResult;
use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input;
use Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Requests;


/* Inputs for deliveries */

 * Class Base (abstract)
 * Base class for delivery services
 * @package Bitrix\Sale\Delivery
abstract class Base
	protected $id = 0;
	protected $name = "";
	protected $code = "";
	protected $vatId = 0;
	protected $sort = 100;
	protected $logotip = 0;
	protected $parentId = 0;
	protected $currency = "";
	protected $active = false;
	protected $description = "";
	protected $config = array();
	protected $restricted = false;
	protected $trackingClass = "";
	/** @var Requests\HandlerBase  */
	protected $deliveryRequestHandler = null;
	protected $extraServices = array();
	protected $trackingParams = array();
	protected $allowEditShipment = array();

	protected static $isProfile = false;
	protected static $canHasProfiles = false;
	protected static $isCalculatePriceImmediately = false;
	protected static $whetherAdminExtraServicesShow = false;

	const EVENT_ON_CALCULATE = "onSaleDeliveryServiceCalculate";

	/** @var bool  */
	protected $isClone = false;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param array $initParams Delivery service params
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
	public function __construct(array $initParams)
		$initParams = $this->prepareFieldsForUsing($initParams);

			$this->parentId = $initParams["PARENT_ID"];
			$this->parentId = 0;

			$initParams["ACTIVE"] = "N";

			$initParams["NAME"] = "";

		if(!isset($initParams["CONFIG"]) || !is_array($initParams["CONFIG"]))
			$initParams["CONFIG"] = array();

			throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("CONFIG", "array");

		$this->active = $initParams["ACTIVE"] == "Y";
		$this->name = $initParams["NAME"];
		$this->config = $initParams["CONFIG"];

		if(isset($initParams["ID"]) )
			$this->id = $initParams["ID"];

			$this->description = $initParams["DESCRIPTION"];

			$this->code = $initParams["CODE"];

			$this->sort = $initParams["SORT"];

			$this->logotip = $initParams["LOGOTIP"];

			$this->currency = $initParams["CURRENCY"];

			$this->allowEditShipment = $initParams["ALLOW_EDIT_SHIPMENT"];

			$this->vatId = intval($initParams["VAT_ID"]);

			$this->restricted = $initParams["RESTRICTED"];

		$this->trackingParams = is_array($initParams["TRACKING_PARAMS"]) ? $initParams["TRACKING_PARAMS"] : array();

			$this->extraServices = new \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager($initParams["EXTRA_SERVICES"], $this->currency);
		elseif($this->id > 0)
			$this->extraServices = new \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager($this->id, $this->currency);
			$this->extraServices = new \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager(array(), $this->currency);

	 * Calculates delivery price
	 * @param \Bitrix\Sale\Shipment $shipment.
	 * @param array $extraServices.
	 * @return \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\CalculationResult
	public function calculate(\Bitrix\Sale\Shipment $shipment = null, $extraServices = array()) // null for compability with old configurable services api
		if($shipment && !$shipment->getCollection())
			$result = new Delivery\CalculationResult();
			$result->addError(new Error('\Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Base::calculate() can\'t calculate empty shipment!'));
			return $result;

		$result = $this->calculateConcrete($shipment);

				$extraServices = $shipment->getExtraServices();

			$extraServicePrice = $this->extraServices->getTotalCostShipment($shipment);

			if(floatval($extraServicePrice) > 0)

		$eventParams = array(
			"RESULT" => $result,
			"SHIPMENT" => $shipment,
			"DELIVERY_ID" => $this->id

		$event = new Event('sale', self::EVENT_ON_CALCULATE, $eventParams);
		$resultList = $event->getResults();

		if (is_array($resultList) && !empty($resultList))
			foreach ($resultList as &$eventResult)
				if ($eventResult->getType() != EventResult::SUCCESS)

				$params = $eventResult->getParameters();

					$result = $params["RESULT"];

		return $result;

	 * @return Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager
	public function getExtraServices()
		return $this->extraServices;

	 * @return string The currency of delivery service.
	public function getCurrency()
		return $this->currency;

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @return float|int
	protected static function calculateShipmentPrice(\Bitrix\Sale\Shipment $shipment)
		$result = 0;

		foreach($shipment->getShipmentItemCollection() as $shipmentItem)
			/** @var  \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem $basketItem */
			$basketItem = $shipmentItem->getBasketItem();



			$result += $basketItem->getPrice();

		return $result;

	 * Returns class name
	 * @return string
	public static function getClassTitle()
		return "";

	 * Returns class description
	 * @return string
	public static function getClassDescription()
		return "";

	 * @param \Bitrix\Sale\Shipment $shipment.
	 * @return \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\CalculationResult
	 * @throws SystemException
	protected function calculateConcrete(\Bitrix\Sale\Shipment $shipment)
		throw new SystemException('Not implemented');

	 * @param array $fields
	 * @return array
	 * @throws SystemException
	public function prepareFieldsForSaving(array $fields)
		$strError = "";
		$structure = $fields["CLASS_NAME"]::getConfigStructure();

		foreach($structure as $key1 => $rParams)
			foreach($rParams["ITEMS"] as $key2 => $iParams)
				if($iParams["TYPE"] == "DELIVERY_SECTION")

				$errors = \Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input\Manager::getError($iParams, $fields["CONFIG"][$key1][$key2]);

					$strError .= Loc::getMessage("SALE_DLVR_BASE_FIELD")." \"".$iParams["NAME"]."\": ".implode("<br>\n", $errors)."<br>\n";

		if($strError != "")
			throw new SystemException($strError);

		if(strpos($fields['CLASS_NAME'], '\\') !== 0)
			$fields['CLASS_NAME'] = '\\'.$fields['CLASS_NAME'];

		return $fields;

	 * Returns service configuration (only structure without values)
	 * @return array
	 * @throws \Exception
	protected function getConfigStructure()
		return array();

	 * @param array $confStructure The structure of configuration
	 * @param array $confValues The configuration's values
	 * @return array glued config with values
	protected function glueValuesToConfig(array $confStructure, $confValues = array())
			$confValues = array();

		if(isset($confStructure["ITEMS"]) && is_array($confStructure["ITEMS"]))
			$confStructure["ITEMS"] = $this->glueValuesToConfig($confStructure["ITEMS"], $confValues);
			foreach($confStructure as $itemKey => $itemParams)

				if(isset($itemParams["ITEMS"]) && is_array($itemParams["ITEMS"]))
					$confStructure[$itemKey]["ITEMS"] = $this->glueValuesToConfig($itemParams["ITEMS"], $confValues[$itemKey]);
					$confStructure[$itemKey]["VALUE"] = $confValues[$itemKey];
				elseif(!isset($itemParams["VALUE"]) && isset($itemParams["DEFAULT"]))
					$confStructure[$itemKey]["VALUE"] = $itemParams["DEFAULT"];

		return $confStructure;

	 * @return array
	 * @throws SystemException
	public function getConfig()
		$configStructure = $this->getConfigStructure();

			throw new SystemException ("Method getConfigStructure() must return an array!");

		foreach($configStructure as $key => $configSection)
			$configStructure[$key] = $this->glueValuesToConfig($configSection, isset($this->config[$key]) ? $this->config[$key] : array());

		return $configStructure;

	 * @return array
	public function getConfigValues()
		return $this->config;

	 * @return array Fields witch user will see on delivery admin page
	public static function getAdminFieldsList()
		return Table::getMap();

	 * @return bool Show or not restrictions on admin page
	 * For example lib/delivery/services/group.php: we must hide it on public page always, and nobody can cancel this.
	public static function whetherAdminRestrictionsShow()
		return true;

	 * @return bool Can this services has children.
	public static function canHasChildren()
		return false;

	 * @return bool Can this services has profiles.
	public static function canHasProfiles()
		return self::$canHasProfiles;

	 * @return array profiles handlers class names
	public static function getChildrenClassNames()
		return array();

	 * @return int
	public function getId()
		return $this->id;

	 * @return string
	public function getCode()
		return $this->code;

	 * @return string
	public function getName()
		return $this->name;

	 * @return string
	public function getDescription()
		return $this->description;

	 * @return int
	public function getParentId()
		return $this->parentId;

	 * @return mixed
	public function getSort()
		return $this->sort;

	 * @return string
	public function getNameWithParent()
		$result =  $this->name;

		if($parent = $this->getParentService())
			$result = $parent->getName()." (".$result.")";

		return $result;

	 * @return int
	public function getLogotip()
		return $this->logotip;

	 * @return string
	public function getLogotipPath()
		$logo = $this->getLogotip();
		return intval($logo) > 0 ? \CFile::GetPath($logo) : "";

	 * @return Base|null
	 * @throws SystemException
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException
	public function getParentService()
		$result = null;

		if(intval($this->parentId) > 0)
			$result =  Manager::getObjectById($this->parentId);

		return $result;

	 * @param array $fields
	 * @return array
	public function prepareFieldsForUsing(array $fields)
		return $fields;

	 * @return array
	public function getEmbeddedExtraServicesList()
		return array();

		exapmple for concrete handlers
		return array(
			"ZAPALECH" => array(
				"NAME" => "extra service name",
				"SORT" => 50,
				"RIGHTS" => "YYY",
				"ACTIVE" => "Y",
				"CLASS_NAME" => '\Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Checkbox',
				"DESCRIPTION" => "Extra service description",
				"PARAMS" => array("PRICE" => 2000)

	* @return bool If admin could edit extra services
	public static function whetherAdminExtraServicesShow()
		return self::$whetherAdminExtraServicesShow;

	 * @param int $serviceId
	 * @param array $fields
	 * @return bool
	public static function onAfterAdd($serviceId, array $fields = array())
		return true;

	 * @param int $serviceId
	 * @param array $fields
	 * @return bool
	public static function onAfterUpdate($serviceId, array $fields = array())
		return true;

	 * @param int $serviceId
	 * @return bool
	public static function onAfterDelete($serviceId)
		return true;

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @return bool
	public function isCompatible(Shipment $shipment)
		return true;

	 * @return array Profiles list
	public function getProfilesList()
		return array();

	 * @return bool
	public static function isProfile()
		return self::$isProfile;

	 * @return string Class name inherited from \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Tracking\Base
	public function getTrackingClass()
		return $this->trackingClass;

	 * @param string $class Class name inherited from \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Tracking\Base
	public function setTrackingClass($class)
		$this->trackingClass = $class;

	 * @return array
	public function getTrackingParams()
		return $this->trackingParams;

	 * @return bool
	public function isTrackingInherited()
		return false;

	 * @return bool
	public function isCalculatePriceImmediately()
		return self::$isCalculatePriceImmediately;

	 * @return bool
	public function isRestricted()
		return $this->restricted;

	 * @return array
	public static function onGetBusinessValueConsumers()
		return array();

	 * @return array
	public static function onGetBusinessValueGroups()
		return array();

	 * @return bool
	public static function isInstalled()
		return true;

	public static function install()
		return true;

	public static function unInstall()
		return true;

	 * @return array
	public function isAllowEditShipment()
		return $this->allowEditShipment != 'N';

	 * Show message on service edit page.
	 * @return array
	 * array("MESSAGE"=>"", "TYPE"=>("ERROR"|"OK"|"PROGRESS"), "DETAILS"=>"", "HTML"=>true)
	 * @see \CAdminMessage::CAdminMessage
	public function getAdminMessage()
		return array();

	 * Execute some code on service edit page if need.
	 * @return Result
	public function execAdminAction()
		return new Result();

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @return array
	public function getAdditionalInfoShipmentEdit(Shipment $shipment)
		return array();

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @param array $requestData
	 * @return Shipment|null
	public function processAdditionalInfoShipmentEdit(Shipment $shipment, array $requestData)
		return $shipment;

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @return array
	public function getAdditionalInfoShipmentView(Shipment $shipment)
		return array();

	 * @param Shipment $shipment
	 * @return array
	public function getAdditionalInfoShipmentPublic(Shipment $shipment)
		return array();

	 * @internal
	 * @param \SplObjectStorage $cloneEntity
	 * @return EmptyDeliveryService
	public function createClone(\SplObjectStorage $cloneEntity)
		if ($this->isClone() && $cloneEntity->contains($this))
			return $cloneEntity[$this];

		$deliveryServiceClone = clone $this;
		$deliveryServiceClone->isClone = true;

		if (!$cloneEntity->contains($this))
			$cloneEntity[$this] = $deliveryServiceClone;

		/** @var Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager $extraServices */
		if ($extraServices = $this->getExtraServices())
			if (!$cloneEntity->contains($extraServices))
				$cloneEntity[$extraServices] = $extraServices->createClone($cloneEntity);

			if ($cloneEntity->contains($extraServices))
				$deliveryServiceClone->extraServices = $cloneEntity[$extraServices];
		return $deliveryServiceClone;

	 * @return bool
	public function isClone()
		return $this->isClone;

	 * Returns names of supported delivery services
	 * @return array
	public static function getSupportedServicesList()
		return array();

	 * @return array Additional tabs to show on edit admin page.
	public function getAdminAdditionalTabs()
		return array();

	 * @return int
	public function getVatId()
		return $this->vatId;

	 * @param int $vatId
	public function setVatId($vatId)
		$this->vatId = $vatId;

	 * @return Requests\HandlerBase
	public function getDeliveryRequestHandler()
		return $this->deliveryRequestHandler;

	public function createProfileObject($fields)
		return Manager::createObject($fields);