Your IP :
% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
% The current implementation of setpagedevice has the following limitations:
% - It doesn't attempt to "interact with the user" for Policy = 2.
languagelevel 1 .setlanguagelevel
level2dict begin
% ---------------- Redefinitions ---------------- %
% Redefine .beginpage and .endpage so that they call BeginPage and
% EndPage respectively if appropriate.
% We have to guard against the BeginPage procedure not popping its operand.
% This is really stupid, but the Genoa CET does it.
/.beginpage { % - .beginpage -
.currentshowpagecount {
.currentpagedevice pop
dup //null ne { /BeginPage .knownget } { pop //false } ifelse {
% Stack: ... pagecount proc
count 2 .execn
% Stack: ... ..???.. oldcount
count 1 add exch sub { pop } repeat
} {
} ifelse
} if
} bind odef
% Guard similarly against EndPage not popping its operand.
/.endpage { % <reason> .endpage <print_bool>
.currentshowpagecount {
1 index .currentpagedevice pop
dup //null ne { /EndPage .knownget } { pop //false } ifelse {
% Stack: ... reason pagecount reason proc
count 2 .execn
% Stack: ... ..???.. print oldcount
count 2 add exch sub { exch pop } repeat
} {
pop pop 2 ne
} ifelse
} {
2 ne
} ifelse
} bind odef
% Define interpreter callouts for handling gstate-saving operators,
% to make sure that they create a page device dictionary for use by
% the corresponding gstate-restoring operator.
% We'd really like to avoid the cost of doing this, but we don't see how.
% The names %gsavepagedevice, %savepagedevice, %gstatepagedevice,
% %copygstatepagedevice, and %currentgstatepagedevice are known to the
% interpreter.
(%gsavepagedevice) cvn
{ currentpagedevice pop gsave
} bind def
(%savepagedevice) cvn
{ currentpagedevice pop save
} bind def
(%gstatepagedevice) cvn
{ currentpagedevice pop gstate
} bind def
(%copygstatepagedevice) cvn
{ currentpagedevice pop copy
} bind def
(%currentgstatepagedevice) cvn
{ currentpagedevice pop currentgstate
} bind def
% Define interpreter callouts for handling gstate-restoring operators
% when the current page device needs to be changed.
% The names %grestorepagedevice, %grestoreallpagedevice,
% %restorepagedevice, %restore1pagedevice, and %setgstatepagedevice
% are known to the interpreter.
{ % Since setpagedevice doesn't create new device objects,
% we must (carefully) reinstall the old parameters in
% the same device.
.currentpagedevice pop //null currentdevice //null
{ .trysetparams } .internalstopped
} if
dup type /booleantype eq
{ pop pop }
SETPDDEBUG { (Error in .trysetparams!) = pstack flush } if
{cleartomark pop pop pop} .internalstopped pop
% if resetting the entire device state failed, at least put back the
% security related key
currentdevice //null //false mark /.LockSafetyParams
currentpagedevice /.LockSafetyParams .knownget not
{systemdict /SAFER .knownget not {//false} } if
/.installpagedevice cvx /rangecheck signalerror
ifelse pop pop
% A careful reading of the Red Book reveals that an erasepage
% should occur, but *not* an initgraphics.
erasepage .beginpage
} bind executeonly def
{2 .endpage { .currentnumcopies //false .outputpage } if} .internalstopped pop
} bind def
(%grestorepagedevice) cvn
} bind def
(%grestoreallpagedevice) cvn
{ .uninstallpagedevice grestore .installpagedevice grestoreall
} bind def
(%restore1pagedevice) cvn
{ .uninstallpagedevice grestore .installpagedevice restore
} bind def
(%restorepagedevice) cvn
{ .uninstallpagedevice restore .installpagedevice
} bind def
(%setgstatepagedevice) cvn
{ .uninstallpagedevice setgstate .installpagedevice
} bind def
% Redefine .currentnumcopies so it consults the NumCopies device parameter.
/.numcopiesdict mark
/NumCopies dup
.dicttomark readonly def
{ currentdevice //.numcopiesdict .getdeviceparams
dup type /integertype eq
{ exch pop exch pop }
{ cleartomark #copies }
} bind odef
% Redefine .currentpagedevice and .setpagedevice so they convert between
% null and a fixed empty directionary.
/.nullpagedevice 0 dict readonly def
/.currentpagedevice {
//.currentpagedevice exch dup //null eq { pop //.nullpagedevice } if exch
} bind odef
/.setpagedevice {
dup //.nullpagedevice eq { pop //null } if //.setpagedevice
} bind odef
% ---------------- Auxiliary definitions ---------------- %
% Define the required attributes of all page devices, and their default values.
% We don't include attributes such as .MediaSize, which all devices
% are guaranteed to supply on their own.
/.defaultpolicies mark
% M. Sweet, Easy Software Products
% Due to the fact that it is not possible to properly implement
% the selection policies from a Ghostscript driver, we have changed
% the default policy to "7" (impose) to avoid numerous problems with
% printing within CUPS...
% If NOMEDIAATTRS is false, the set the default depending on whether
% PSFitPage is true. Policy 13 does best fit with page scaling up or down
% so it is only useful if FIXEDMEDIA is also specified, or if the set of
% media in the InputAttributes dictionary is the actual available choices
% and does not include any "range" page sizes.
/PageSize NOMEDIAATTRS { 7 } { //systemdict /PSFitPage known { 13 } { 0 } ifelse } ifelse
/PolicyNotFound 1
/PolicyReport {
dup /.LockSafetyParams known {
% Only possible error is invalidaccess
/setpagedevice .systemvar /invalidaccess signalerror
} bind
.dicttomark readonly def
% Note that the values of .requiredattrs are executed, not just fetched.
/.requiredattrs mark
/PageDeviceName //null
/PageOffset [0 0] readonly
% We populate InputAttributes with all of the known page sizes
% followed by a dummy media type that handles pages of any size.
% This will create some duplicates, but that only slightly slows
% down the media selection (loop is in zmedia2.c).
% Some PostScript creators assume that slot 0 is the default media
% size and some can't handle a non-standard 4-element array which
% is a 'range' type page size (always put last).
% Real Devices that can only handle specific page sizes will override this.
/InputAttributes {
% First put the device's default page size in slot 0
% This satifies those that have devices built with a4 as the default
0 mark /PageSize /GetDeviceParam .special_op
not {/setpagedevice .systemvar /configurationerror signalerror} if .dicttomark
% Only populate the other entries if we aren't FIXEDMEDIA
statusdict /.pagetypenames get {
statusdict /.pagetypeprocs get
exch get 0 2 getinterval cvlit
counttomark 1 sub 2 idiv exch mark exch /PageSize exch
% stack: mark --dict-- --dict-- ... key mark /PageSize [x y]
% see note above about pagetype executable array contents.
} forall
% If NORANGEPAGESIZE is defined, (-dNORANGEPAGESIZE), then don't add
% the 'match any' PageSize entry
systemdict /NORANGEPAGESIZE known not {
% Add one last entry which is the 4 element range array (non-standard)
counttomark 2 idiv
% PageSize with either dimension 0 will be detected in
% match_page_size, so we can allow it here
mark /PageSize [0 dup 16#7ffff dup] .dicttomark
} if
} if % FIXEDMEDIA false
(%MediaSource) 0
/OutputAttributes {
mark 0 mark .dicttomark readonly .dicttomark
(%MediaDestination) 0
/Install {{.callinstall}} bind
/BeginPage {{.callbeginpage}} bind
/EndPage {{.callendpage}} bind
/Policies .defaultpolicies
/ImagingBBox //null % default value
/UseCIEColor /.getuseciecolor load
.dicttomark readonly def
% Define currentpagedevice so it creates the dictionary on demand if needed,
% adding all the required entries defined just above.
% We have to deal specially with entries that the driver may change
% on its own. We also have to deal specially with parameters which the device may
% change on its own but which we *also* want to transmit to the device. Previously
% any parameter which was 'dynamic' would not be sent to the device, making it
% impossible to set a parameter, and later have the device change it. Currently
% only OutputICCProfile fits this category.
% This whole area is broken its completely the wrong way round from the way the spec says it should work.
% This dictionary contains the keys we never want to set.
/.readonlypdkeys mark
/.MediaSize dup % because it changes when PageSize is set
/PageCount dup
/Colors dup
/BitsPerPixel dup
/ColorValues dup
.dicttomark readonly def
% Bonkers, but needed by our ridiculous setpagedevice implementation. There are
% some keys (at the moment, RedValues, GreenValues and BlueValues are known) which
% only exist in the page device dictionary under some conditions (ProcessColorModel == DeviceRGB)
% If we change the conditions, so that these keys are no longer present in the params
% returned by the device, sending these keys to the device can trigger a fault.
% This is a problem because of our stored dictionary:
% 1) Set up the inital dictioanry by retrieving the params from the device
% 2) Change the conditions (ProcessColorModel == DeviceGray)
% 3) merge any volatile keys from the device. Note that RedValues etc no longer defined.
% 4) Call .installpagdevice, use the stored dicitonary to set the params
% 5) The stored RedValues etc, cause an error.
% The stored dictioanry is readonly (we use forceput to wedge new keys into it) so
% we can't 'undef' keys from it. (the dictionary is made readonly by the action of zsetpagedevice
% '.setpagedevice' in PostScrfipt)
% So the only solution is to have 'write only' keys. These can be written to the device
% but are not stored in the saved page device dictionary. This means PostScript programs
% can't interrogate and take action on these, but there's no solution to that except to
% rewrite this stuff completely so that it actually works properly.
/.writeonlykeys mark
/RedValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/GreenValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/BlueValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/GrayValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
.dicttomark readonly def
% This dictionary contains the keys we always want to read back from the device.
/.volatilepdkeys mark
/.MediaSize dup % because it changes when PageSize is set
/RedValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/GreenValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/BlueValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/GrayValues dup % Set by the device when ProcessColorModel changes
/PageCount dup
/Colors dup
/BitsPerPixel dup
/ColorValues dup
/OutputICCProfile dup % ColorConversionStrategy can change this
.dicttomark readonly def
/.makecurrentpagedevice { % - .makecurrentpagedevice <dict>
currentdevice //null .getdeviceparams
% Make the dictionary large enough to add defaulted entries.
counttomark 2 idiv .requiredattrs length add dict
counttomark 2 idiv { dup 4 2 roll put } repeat exch pop
% Add any missing required attributes.
% Make a writable and (if possible) local copy of any default
% dictionaries, to work around a bug in the output of WordPerfect,
% which assumes that these dictionaries are writable and local.
.currentglobal exch dup gcheck .setglobal
.requiredattrs {
2 index 2 index known {
1 index /Policies eq {
% Merge policies from the device driver with defaults
2 index % <<>> /key value <<>>
3 2 roll get % <<>> value <<policies>>
exch {
2 index 2 index known {
pop pop
} {
2 index 3 1 roll put
} ifelse
} forall
} {
pop pop
} ifelse
} {
exec 2 index 3 1 roll put
} ifelse
} forall exch .setglobal
% Remove any keys we don't want to be stored, before .setpagedevice
% makes the dictionary read only
.writeonlykeys {2 index exch undef pop} forall
dup .setpagedevice
} bind def
/currentpagedevice {
.currentpagedevice {
dup length 0 eq {
pop .makecurrentpagedevice
} {
% If any of the dynamic keys have changed,
% we must update the page device dictionary.
currentdevice //.volatilepdkeys .getdeviceparams .dicttomark {
% Stack: current key value
2 index 2 index .knownget { 1 index ne } { //true } ifelse
{ 2 index wcheck not
{ % This is the first entry being updated.
% Copy the dictionary to make it writable.
3 -1 roll
currentglobal 1 index dup gcheck currentglobal and setglobal
length dict
exch setglobal
3 1 roll
2 index 3 1 roll put
{ pop pop
} forall
% If the device is the distiller device, update distillerparams that
% may have been changed by setdistillerparams
/IsDistiller /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop
currentdistillerparams {
% Stack: current key value
2 index 2 index .knownget { 1 index ne } { //true } ifelse
{ 2 index 3 1 roll put } { pop pop } ifelse
} forall
} if
% If the dictionary was global and is now local, copy
% any global subsidiary dictionaries to local VM. This
% too is to work around the Word Perfect bug (see above).
dup gcheck not {
dup {
dup type /dicttype eq { dup gcheck } { //false } ifelse {
% Copy-on-write, see above.
2 index wcheck not {
3 -1 roll dup length dict .copydict
3 1 roll
} if
.copytree 2 index 3 1 roll put
} {
pop pop
} ifelse
} forall
} if
% We would like to do a .setpagedevice so we don't keep
% re-creating the dictionary. Unfortunately, the effect
% of this is that if any dynamic key changes (PageCount
% in particular), we will do the equivalent of a
% setpagedevice at the next restore or grestore.
% Therefore, we make the dictionary read-only, but
% we don't store it away. I.e., NOT:
% dup wcheck { .setpagedevice .currentpagedevice pop } if
} ifelse
} if
} bind odef
% Copy a dictionary recursively.
/.copytree { % <dict> .copytree <dict'>
dup length dict exch {
dup type /dicttype eq { .copytree } if 2 index 3 1 roll put
} forall
} bind def
% The implementation of setpagedevice is quite complex. Currently,
% everything but the media matching algorithm is implemented here.
% By default, we only present the requested changes to the device,
% but there are some parameters that require special merging action.
% Define those parameters here, with the procedures that do the merging.
% The procedures are called as follows:
% <merged> <key> <new_value> -proc- <merged> <key> <new_value'>
/.mergespecial mark
{ dup //null eq
{ pop //null
{ 3 copy pop .knownget
{ dup //null eq
{ pop dup length dict }
{ dup length 2 index length add dict .copydict }
{ dup length dict
ifelse .copydict readonly
} bind
/OutputAttributes 1 index
{ 3 copy pop .knownget
{ dup length 2 index length add dict .copydict }
{ dup length dict }
ifelse copy readonly
} bind
.dicttomark readonly def
% M. Sweet, Easy Software Products:
% Define NOMEDIAATTRS to turn off the default (but unimplementable) media
% selection policies for setpagedevice. This is used by CUPS to support
% the standard Adobe media attributes.
% Define only PageSize for input attribute matching.
/.inputattrkeys [
] readonly def
% Define no other keys used in media selection.
/.inputselectionkeys [
] readonly def
% Define no keys used in output attribute matching.
/.outputattrkeys [
] readonly def
} {
% Define the keys used in input attribute matching.
/.inputattrkeys [
/PageSize /MediaColor /MediaWeight /MediaType /InsertSheet /ManualFeed
% The following are documented in Adobe's supplement for v2017.
/LeadingEdge /MediaClass
] readonly def
% Define other keys used in media selection.
/.inputselectionkeys [
/MediaPosition /Orientation
] readonly def
% Define the keys used in output attribute matching.
/.outputattrkeys [
] readonly def
} ifelse
% Define all the parameters that should always be copied to the merged
% dictionary.
/.copiedkeys [
.mergespecial { pop } forall
.inputattrkeys aload pop
.inputselectionkeys aload pop
.outputattrkeys aload pop
] readonly def
% Define the parameters that should not be presented to the device.
% The procedures are called as follows:
% <merged> <key> <value> -proc-
% The procedure leaves all its operands on the stack and returns
% true iff the key/value pair should be presented to .putdeviceparams.
/.presentspecial mark
{ pop //false }
% We must ignore an explicit request for .MediaSize,
% because media matching always handles this.
/.MediaSize //false
/Name //false
/OutputDevice //false
/PageDeviceName //false
/PageOffset //false
/PageSize //false % obsolete alias for .MediaSize
/InputAttributes //false
{ dup dup /PageSize eq exch /LeadingEdge eq or
{ pop }
{ { 2 index /InputAttributes .knownget { //null eq } { //true } ifelse } }
.inputselectionkeys { //false } forall
/OutputAttributes //false
{ { 2 index /OutputAttributes .knownget { //null eq } { //true } ifelse } }
/Install //false
/BeginPage //false
/EndPage //false
/Policies //false
% Our extensions:
{ % HACK: don't transmit the color map, because
% window systems can change the color map on their own
% incrementally. Someday we'll have a better
% solution for this....
/ViewerPreProcess //false
/ImagingBBox //false % This prevents the ImagingBBox value in the setpagedevice
% from affecting the device's ImagingBBox parameter, but
% does retain a 'shadow' copy at the PostScript level.
% This is done for Adobe compatibility since Adobe does
% render marks outside the ImagingBBox (and QuarkXpress
% relies on it).
.dicttomark readonly def
% Define access to device defaults.
{ finddevice //null .getdeviceparams
} bind def
% Select media (input or output). The hard work is done in an operator:
% <pagedict> <attrdict> <policydict> <keys> .matchmedia <key> true
% <pagedict> <attrdict> <policydict> <keys> .matchmedia false
% <pagedict> null <policydict> <keys> .matchmedia null true
/.selectmedia % <orig> <request> <merged> <failed> <-- retained
% <attrdict> <policydict> <attrkeys> <mediakey>
% .selectmedia
{ 5 index 5 -2 roll 4 index .matchmedia
% Stack: orig request merged failed attrkeys mediakey
% (key true | false)
{ 4 index 3 1 roll put pop
{ % Adobe's implementations have a "big hairy heuristic"
% to choose the set of keys to report as having failed the match.
% For the moment, we report any keys that are in the request
% and don't have the same value as in the original dictionary.
5 index 1 index .knownget
{ 4 index 3 1 roll put }
{ 3 index exch .undef }
{ % Stack: <orig> <request> <merged> <failed> <attrkey>
3 index 1 index .knownget
{ 5 index 2 index .knownget { ne } { pop //true } ifelse }
{ //false }
ifelse % Stack: ... <failed> <attrkey> <report>
{ 2 copy /rangecheck put }
if pop
} bind def
% Apply Policies to any unprocessed failed requests.
% As we process each request entry, we replace the error name
% in the <failed> dictionary with the policy value,
% and we replace the key in the <merged> dictionary with its prior value
% (or remove it if it had no prior value).
% These procedures are called with the following on the stack:
% <orig> <merged> <failed> <Policies> <key> <policy>
% They are expected to consume the top 2 operands.
% NOTE: we currently treat all values other than 0, 1, or 7 (for PageSize)
% the same as 0, i.e., we signal an error.
/0Policy { % Set errorinfo and signal a configurationerror.
% NOMEDIAATTRS means that the default policy is 7...
pop 2 index exch 7 put
} {
pop dup 4 index exch get 2 array astore
$error /errorinfo 3 -1 roll put
/setpagedevice .systemvar /configurationerror signalerror
} ifelse
} bind executeonly odef
% Making this an operator means we can properly hide
% the contents - specifically .forceput
% Roll back the failed request to its previous status.
SETPDDEBUG { (Rolling back.) = pstack flush } if
3 index 2 index 3 -1 roll .forceput
4 index 1 index .knownget
{ 4 index 3 1 roll .forceput } executeonly
{ 3 index exch .undef }
} bind executeonly odef
/7Policy { % For PageSize only, just impose the request.
1 index /PageSize eq
{ pop pop 1 index /PageSize 7 put }
{ .policyprocs 0 get exec }
} bind executeonly odef
/.applypolicies % <orig> <merged> <failed> .applypolicies
% <orig> <merged'> <failed'>
1 index /Policies get 1 index
{ type /integertype eq
pop % already processed
2 copy .knownget not { 1 index /PolicyNotFound get } if
% Stack: <orig> <merged> <failed> <Policies> <key>
% <policy>
dup 1 eq {
dup 7 eq {
} ifelse
} ifelse
} ifelse
forall pop
} bind executeonly odef
currentdict /0Policy undef
currentdict /1Policy undef
currentdict /7Policy undef
% Prepare to present parameters to the device, by spreading them onto the
% operand stack and removing any that shouldn't be presented.
/.prepareparams % <params> .prepareparams -mark- <key1> <value1> ...
{ mark exch dup
{ % Stack: -mark- key1 value1 ... merged key value
.presentspecial 2 index .knownget
{ exec { 3 -1 roll } { pop pop } ifelse }
{ 3 -1 roll }
forall pop
} bind def
% Put device parameters without resetting currentpagedevice.
% (.putdeviceparams clears the current page device.)
/.putdeviceparamsonly % <device> <Policies|null> <require_all> -mark-
% <key1> <value1> ... .putdeviceparamsonly
% On success: <device> <eraseflag>
% On failure: <device> <Policies|null> <req_all> -mark-
% <key1> <error1> ...
{ .currentpagedevice
{ counttomark 4 add 1 roll .putdeviceparams
dup type /booleantype eq { 3 } { counttomark 5 add } ifelse -1 roll
{ pop .putdeviceparams
} bind def
% Try setting the device parameters from the merged request.
/.trysetparams % <merged> <(ignored)> <device> <Policies>
% .trysetparams
{ //true 4 index .prepareparams
% Add the computed .MediaSize.
% Stack: merged (ignored) device Policies -true-
% -mark- key1 value1 ...
counttomark 5 add index .computemediasize
exch pop exch pop /.MediaSize exch
SETPDDEBUG { (Putting.) = pstack flush } if
SETPDDEBUG { (Result of putting.) = pstack flush } if
} bind def
% Compute the media size and initial matrix from a merged request (after
% media selection).
/.computemediasize % <request> .computemediasize
% <request> <matrix> <[width height]>
{ dup /PageSize get % requested page size
1 index /InputAttributes get
2 index (%MediaSource) get get /PageSize get % media size
% (may be a range)
2 index /Policies get
dup /PageSize .knownget
{ exch pop } { /PolicyNotFound get } ifelse % PageSize policy,
% affects scaling
3 index /Orientation .knownget not { //null } if
4 index /RollFedMedia .knownget not { //false } if
matrix .matchpagesize not {
% This is a "can't happen" condition!
/setpagedevice .systemvar /rangecheck signalerror
} if
2 array astore
} bind def
% ---------------- setpagedevice itself ---------------- %
% To avoid VM mismatches caused by copying subsidiary
% dictionaries to local VM (see WorPerfect bug in
% .makecurrentpagedevice) we want to make the dict
% returned by currentpagedevice local. However, if we
% run with -dSAFER we get a call to setpagedevice from
% .setsafe in during startup. The dict returned
% by currentpagdevice is stored to the graphics state by
% .setpagedevice below, and returned by currentpagdevice.
% The Display PostScript code insists that the savedinitialgstate
% not have any pointers to local VM objects, so if we simply
% make the dict local then we fail in The only
% solution is to make sure the VM mode is global during
% startup (to satisfy and local thereafter
% (to satisfy the WordPerfect bug).
dup /..StartupGlobal known
currentglobal exch true setglobal
dup /..StartupGlobal undef
} {
% ensure that we are always in local VM mode to avoid
% mismatches. This is because we always create child
% dictionaries in local VM, regardless of the current VM state,
% (see .makecurrentpagdevice) and we can't store local objects
% in a global object, so we must ensure teh dictionary returned
% from currentpagedevice is in local VM.
currentglobal exch false setglobal
} ifelse
%% We used to execute endpage after .tsrysetparams, but that actually alters
%% the page device dictionary (in particular /PageSize) this is not correct.
%% Testing with Adobe Acrobat Distiller shows that EndPage is ececuted if the
%% page device dictionary is empty, and indeed even if setpagedevice returns
%% an error (caught by stopped), so it seems pretty clear that we should
%% run any required EndPage very early in the setpagedevice process.
%% Bug 690667.
2 .endpage
{ 1 //true .outputpage
(>>setpagedevice, press <return> to continue<<\n) .confirm
% We mustn't pop the argument until the very end,
% so that the pseudo-operator machinery can restore the stack
% if an error occurs.
mark 1 index currentpagedevice
% Check whether we are changing OutputDevice;
% also handle the case where the current device
% is not a page device.
% Stack: mark <request> <current>
SETPDDEBUG { (Checking.) = pstack flush } if
dup /OutputDevice .knownget
{ % Current device is a page device.
2 index /OutputDevice .knownget
{ % A specific OutputDevice was requested.
2 copy eq
{ pop pop //null }
{ exch pop }
{ pop //null
{ % Current device is not a page device.
% Use the default device.
1 index /OutputDevice .knownget not { .defaultdevicename } if
dup //null eq
{ pop
{ exch pop .defaultdeviceparams
% In case of duplicate keys, .dicttomark takes the entry
% lower on the stack, so we can just append the defaults here.
.requiredattrs { exec } forall .dicttomark
% Check whether a viewer wants to intervene.
% We must check both the request (which takes precedence)
% and the current dictionary.
% Stack: mark <request> <orig>
exch dup /ViewerPreProcess .knownget
{ exec }
{ 1 index /ViewerPreProcess .knownget { exec } if }
ifelse exch
% Construct a merged request from the actual request plus
% any keys that should always be propagated.
% Stack: mark <request> <orig>
SETPDDEBUG { (Merging.) = pstack flush } if
exch 1 index length 1 index length add dict
{ % Stack: <orig> <request> <merged> <key>
3 index 1 index .knownget { 3 copy put pop } if pop
% Stack: <orig> <request> <merged>
dup 2 index
{ % stack: <orig> <request> <merged> <merged> <rkey> <rvalue>
.mergespecial 2 index .knownget { exec } if
put dup
forall pop
% Hack: if FIXEDRESOLUTION is true, discard any attempt to
% change HWResolution.
FIXEDRESOLUTION { dup /HWResolution .undef } if
% Hack: if FIXEDMEDIA is true, discard any attempt to change
% PageSize or HWSize unless the PageSize Policy 13 (for FitPage).
dup /Policies get /PageSize get 13 ne FIXEDMEDIA and
{ dup /PageSize 4 index /PageSize get put
dup /HWSize 4 index /HWSize get put
} if
% Hack: to work around some files that take a PageSize
% from InputAttributes and impose it, discard any attempt
% to set PageSize to a 4-element value.
% Stack: mark <orig> <request> <merged>
dup /PageSize .knownget {
length 2 ne {
dup /PageSize 4 index /PageSize get put
} if
} if
% Select input and output media.
% Stack: mark <orig> <request> <merged>
SETPDDEBUG { (Selecting.) = pstack flush } if
0 dict % <failed>
1 index /InputAttributes .knownget
{ 2 index /Policies get
.inputattrkeys (%MediaSource) cvn .selectmedia
} if
1 index /OutputAttributes .knownget
{ 2 index /Policies get
.outputattrkeys (%MediaDestination) cvn .selectmedia
} if
3 -1 roll 4 1 roll % temporarily swap orig & request
3 -1 roll 4 1 roll % swap back
% Construct the new device, and attempt to set its attributes.
% Stack: mark <orig> <request> <merged> <failed>
SETPDDEBUG { (Constructing.) = pstack flush } if
% Non-obvious: we need to check the name of the output device, to tell
% whether we're going to have to replace the entire device chain (which
% may be only one device, or may be multiple devices.
% If we're not replacing the entire change, we have to use the device in
% the graphics state, so the configuration of the entire device chain is
% correctly set.
.currentoutputdevice .devicename 2 index /OutputDevice get eq
{ currentdevice }
{ 1 index /OutputDevice get finddevice }
%**************** We should copy the device here,
%**************** but since we can't close the old device,
%**************** we don't. This is WRONG.
2 index /Policies get
dup type /booleantype ne
{ % The request failed.
% Stack: ... <orig> <request> <merged> <failed> <device>
% <Policies> true mark <name> <errorname> ...
SETPDDEBUG { (Recovering.) = pstack flush } if
counttomark 4 add index
counttomark 2 idiv { dup 4 -2 roll put } repeat
pop pop pop
% Stack: mark ... <orig> <request> <merged> <failed> <device>
% <Policies>
6 2 roll 3 -1 roll 4 1 roll
3 -1 roll 4 1 roll 6 -2 roll
.trysetparams % shouldn't fail!
dup type /booleantype ne
{ 2 { counttomark 1 add 1 roll cleartomark } repeat
/setpagedevice .systemvar exch signalerror
% The attempt succeeded. Install the new device.
% Stack: mark ... <merged> <failed> <device> <eraseflag>
SETPDDEBUG { (Installing.) = pstack flush } if
% .setdevice clears the current page device!
.currentpagedevice pop exch
{ .setdevice } stopped {
cleartomark exch pop
/setpagedevice $error /errorname get
} if
% Implement UseCIEColor directly if this is a LL3 system.
% The color substitution feature is now implemented in
% the interpreter, and this is used as an optimization.
% NB: This shoud be the only use of the .setuseciecolor
% operator anywhere.
% Set some color space other than /DeviceGray, to insure
% that initgraphics will actually perform a setcolorspace
% operation (there is an optimization in setcolorspace
% that does nothing if the operand and current color
% spaces are the same)
/.setuseciecolor where
pop 1 index /UseCIEColor .knownget
.setuseciecolor /DeviceRGB setcolorspace
% Merge the request into the current page device,
% unless we're changing the OutputDevice.
% Stack: mark ... <merged> <failed>
exch currentpagedevice dup length 2 index length add dict
% Stack: mark ... <failed> <merged> <current> <newdict>
2 index /OutputDevice .knownget {
2 index /OutputDevice .knownget not { //null } if eq
} {
} ifelse {
% Same OutputDevice, merge the dictionaries.
} {
% Different OutputDevice, discard the old dictionary.
exch pop
} ifelse .copydict
% Initialize the default matrix, taking media matching
% into account.
.computemediasize pop initmatrix concat
dup /PageOffset .knownget
{ % Translate by the given number of 1/72" units in device X/Y.
dup 0 get exch 1 get
2 index /HWResolution get dup 1 get exch 0 get
4 -1 roll mul 72 div 3 1 roll mul 72 div
idtransform translate
% We must install the new page device dictionary
% before calling the Install procedure.
dup .setpagedevice
/HighLevelDevice /GetDeviceParam .special_op {
exch pop not
.setdefaulthalftone % Set the default screen before calling Install.
} if
dup /Install .knownget {
{ .execinstall } stopped {
pop % Install procedure failed. One element will have been left on the stack.
% stack: mark <orig> <request> <failed> <merged>
1 index /Install $error /errorname get put % Put it in the "failed" dict
% .applypolicies needs stack: <orig> <merged> <failed>
exch 4 2 roll exch 4 2 roll .applypolicies exch 4 2 roll exch 4 2 roll
% Now execute the old Install -- failures after this are not handled
dup /Install .knownget { { .execinstall } stopped { pop } if } if
.postinstall stop
} {
} ifelse
} {
} ifelse
setglobal % return to original VM allocation mode
} bind executeonly odef
% We break out the code after calling the Install procedure into a
% separate procedure, since it is executed even if Install causes an error.
% By making .execinstall a separate operator procedure, we get the stacks
% mostly restored if it fails, except for one element (the operand).
% Thus if it fails, there will be one element left on the op stack.
/.execinstall { % <proc> .execinstall -
dup % element left on the stack if the exec fails.
% Because the interpreter optimizes tail calls, we can't just let
% the body of this procedure be 'exec', because that would lose
% the stack protection that is the whole reason for having the
% procedure in the first place. The 'pop' for the dummy element
% on the op stack suffices.
pop % See above.
} odef
/.postinstall { % mark ... <failed> <merged> .postinstall -
matrix currentmatrix .setdefaultmatrix
% Erase and initialize the page.
currentoverprint //false setoverprint 1 setcolor
0 setcolor setoverprint
% Clean up, calling PolicyReport if needed.
% Stack: mark ... <failed> <merged>
SETPDDEBUG { (Finishing.) = pstack flush } if
exch dup length 0 ne
{ 1 index /Policies get /PolicyReport get
counttomark 1 add 2 roll cleartomark
{ cleartomark
ifelse pop
} odef
end % level2dict