Your IP :
import os.path
import re
from yum.i18n import _, P_
from yum.constants import *
from yum.logginglevels import INFO_1
import rpmUtils.miscutils
import misc
import fnmatch
# newpackages is weird, in that we'll never display that because we filter to
# things relevant to installed pkgs...
_update_info_types_ = ("security", "bugfix", "enhancement",
"recommended", "newpackage")
def _rpm_tup_vercmp(tup1, tup2):
""" Compare two "std." tuples, (n, a, e, v, r). """
return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((tup1[2], tup1[3], tup1[4]),
(tup2[2], tup2[3], tup2[4]))
def _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
""" Sometimes refs == None, if so return the empty list here.
So we don't have to check everywhere. """
if not refs:
return []
return refs
def _match_sec_cmd(sec_cmds, pkgname, notice):
for i in sec_cmds:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkgname, i):
return i
if fnmatch.fnmatch(notice['update_id'], i):
return i
cvei = i
if not (i.startswith("CVE-") or i.startswith("*")):
cvei = 'CVE-' + i
for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(notice['references']):
if ref['id'] is None:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], i):
return i
if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], cvei):
return i
return None
def _has_id(used_map, refs, ref_type, ref_ids):
''' Check if the given ID is a match. '''
for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
if ref['type'] != ref_type:
if ref['id'] not in ref_ids:
used_map[ref_type][ref['id']] = True
return ref
return None
def _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, pkgname, notice, used_map):
""" Do the package filtering for should_show and should_keep. """
rcmd = _match_sec_cmd(opts.sec_cmds, pkgname, notice)
if rcmd:
used_map['cmd'][rcmd] = True
return True
elif opts.advisory and notice['update_id'] in opts.advisory:
used_map['id'][notice['update_id']] = True
return True
elif (opts.severity and notice['type'] == 'security' and
notice['severity'] in opts.severity):
used_map['sev'][notice['severity']] = True
return True
elif opts.cve and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'], "cve", opts.cve):
return True
elif and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'],"bugzilla",
return True
# FIXME: Add opts for enhancement/etc.? -- __update_info_types__
elif ( and notice['type'] == 'security' and
(not opts.severity or 'severity' not in notice or
not notice['severity'])):
return True
elif opts.bugfixes and notice['type'] == 'bugfix':
return True
elif not (opts.advisory or opts.cve or or or opts.bugfixes or opts.sec_cmds or opts.severity):
return True # This is only possible from should_show_pkg
return False
def _ysp_has_info_md(rname, md):
if rname in _update_info_types_:
if md['type'] == rname:
return md
for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(md['references']):
if ref['type'] != rname:
return md
def _no_options(opts):
return not ( or opts.bugfixes or
opts.advisory or or opts.cve or opts.severity)
def _updateinfofilter2opts(updateinfo_filters):
opts = misc.GenericHolder()
opts.sec_cmds = []
opts.advisory = updateinfo_filters.get('advs', []) = updateinfo_filters.get('bzs', [])
opts.cve = updateinfo_filters.get('cves', [])
opts.severity = updateinfo_filters.get('sevs', [])
opts.bugfixes = updateinfo_filters.get('bugfix', False) = updateinfo_filters.get('security', False)
return opts
def _args2filters(args):
# Basically allow args to turn into security filters, for shell command etc.
T_map = {'advs' : 'advs',
'advisory' : 'advs',
'advisories' : 'advs',
'bzs' : 'bzs',
'bz' : 'bzs',
'cves' : 'cves',
'cve' : 'cves',
'security-severity' : 'sevs',
'security-severities' : 'sevs',
'severity' : 'sevs',
'severities' : 'sevs',
'sevs' : 'sevs',
'sev' : 'sevs',
'security' : 'security',
'sec' : 'security',
'bugfix' : 'bugfix',
'bugfixes' : 'bugfix',
'bugs' : 'bugfix',
filters = {'security' : False, 'bugfix' : False}
for arg0 in args:
arg0 = arg0.replace(" ", ',')
T = 'advs'
if '=' in arg0:
T, arg1 = arg0.split('=', 1)
elif arg0 not in T_map:
arg1 = arg0
T = arg0
arg1 = 'true'
if T not in T_map:
continue # Error message?
T = T_map[T]
if T in ('security', 'bugfix'):
filters[T] = not filters[T]
filters[T] = filters.get(T, []) + arg1.split(',')
return filters
def _ysp_gen_opts(filters, sec_cmds=None):
def strip_respin(id_):
# Example: RHSA-2016:1234-2 -> RHSA-2016:1234
pattern = r'^(RH[BES]A\-\d+\:\d+)(\-\d+)?$'
match = re.match(pattern, id_)
if match:
return id_
opts = _updateinfofilter2opts(filters)
if sec_cmds is not None:
opts.sec_cmds = sec_cmds
# If a RH advisory was specified with a respin suffix, strip it out, as we
# don't include these suffixes in the notice update_id attribute either (we
# use the version attribute for that). Note that there's no ambiguity in
# which notice version we should match then, as updateinfo.xml should only
# contain one per advisory ID (we give a warning when duplicate IDs are
# detected in it). The reason we are handling this is that we sometimes
# refer to advisories in this form (e.g. on and
# the user may then use it with yum too, in which case we would yield no
# matches.
# However, we used to put these suffixes in update_id in the past, so let's
# also keep the original (unstripped) form around in opts, just in case we
# are dealing with such an old updateinfo.xml.
for attr in ['sec_cmds', 'advisory']:
oldlist = getattr(opts, attr)
stripped = map(strip_respin, oldlist)
newlist = list(set(oldlist) | set(stripped))
setattr(opts, attr, newlist)
return opts
def _ysp_gen_used_map(opts):
used_map = {'bugzilla' : {}, 'cve' : {}, 'id' : {}, 'cmd' : {}, 'sev' : {}}
if True:
return used_map
for i in opts.sec_cmds:
used_map['cmd'][i] = False
for i in opts.advisory:
used_map['id'][i] = False
for i in
used_map['bugzilla'][i] = False
for i in opts.cve:
used_map['cve'][i] = False
for i in opts.severity:
used_map['sev'][i] = False
return used_map
def _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg):
for i in used_map['cmd']:
if not used_map['cmd'][i]:
msg('No update information found for \"%s\"' % i)
for i in used_map['id']:
if not used_map['id'][i]:
msg('Advisory \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
for i in used_map['bugzilla']:
if not used_map['bugzilla'][i]:
msg('BZ \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
for i in used_map['cve']:
if not used_map['cve'][i]:
msg('CVE \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
for i in used_map['sev']:
if not used_map['sev'][i]:
msg('Severity \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
def _get_name2pkgtup(base, pkgtups):
name2tup = {}
for pkgtup in pkgtups:
# Get the latest "old" pkgtups
if (pkgtup[0] in name2tup and
_rpm_tup_vercmp(name2tup[pkgtup[0]], pkgtup) > 0):
name2tup[pkgtup[0]] = pkgtup
return name2tup
def _get_name2oldpkgtup(base):
""" Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. which have an update. """
oupdates = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
return _get_name2pkgtup(base, oupdates)
def _get_name2instpkgtup(base):
""" Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. """
return _get_name2pkgtup(base, base.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
def _get_name2allpkgtup(base):
""" Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. and munge that to be the
first possible pkgtup. """
ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1], '0','0','0') for pt in base.rpmdb.simplePkgList()]
return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)
def _get_name2aallpkgtup(base):
""" Get the pkgtups for all available pkgs. and munge that to be the
first possible pkgtup. """
ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1],'0','0','0') for pt in base.pkgSack.simplePkgList()]
return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)
# You might think we'd just call delPackage
# and indeed that works for list updates etc.
# __but__ that doesn't work for dependancies on real updates
# So to fix deps. we need to do it at the preresolve stage and take the
# "transaction package list" and then remove packages from that.
# __but__ that doesn't work for lists ... so we do it two ways
def _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, pkgtup, md_info, used_map):
""" Do we want to keep this package to satisfy the security limits. """
name = pkgtup[0]
for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(pkgtup):
if _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map):
return True
return False
def _repos_downloaded(repos):
dled = True
for repo in repos:
data = repo.repoXML.getData('updateinfo');
continue # No data is fine...
# Note that this doesn't check that it's decompressed...
path = repo.cachedir +'/'+ os.path.basename(data.location[1])
if not os.path.exists(path):
dled = False
return dled
def _check_running_kernel(yb, md_info, msg):
kern_pkgtup = misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(yb.ts)
if kern_pkgtup[0] is None:
found_sec = False
for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(kern_pkgtup):
if found_sec or notice['type'] != 'security':
found_sec = True
ipkg = yb.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
if not ipkg:
continue # Not installed
ipkg = ipkg[0]
e = ''
if kern_pkgtup[2] != '0':
e = '%s:' % kern_pkgtup[2]
rpkg = '%s-%s%s-%s.%s' % (kern_pkgtup[0], e,
kern_pkgtup[3], kern_pkgtup[4],
msg(_('Security: %s is an installed security update') % ipkg)
msg(_('Security: %s is the currently running version') % rpkg)
def remove_txmbrs(base, filters=None):
Remove packages from the transaction, using the updateinfo data.
def ysp_del_pkg(tspkg):
""" Deletes a package within a transaction. """
_(" --> %s from %s removed (updateinfo)") %
(tspkg.po, tspkg.po.ui_from_repo))
if filters is None:
filters = base.updateinfo_filters
opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)
if _no_options(opts):
return 0, 0, 0
md_info = base.upinfo
tot = 0
cnt = 0
used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
tsinfo = base.tsInfo
tspkgs = tsinfo.getMembers()
# Ok, here we keep any pkgs that pass "ysp" tests, then we keep all
# related pkgs ... Ie. "installed" version marked for removal.
keep_pkgs = set()
count_states = set(TS_INSTALL_STATES + [TS_ERASE])
count_pkgs = set()
for tspkg in tspkgs:
if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
for tspkg in tspkgs:
if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
tot += 1
name =
if (name not in name2tup or
not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
cnt += 1
scnt = cnt
mini_depsolve_again = True
while mini_depsolve_again:
mini_depsolve_again = False
for tspkg in tspkgs:
if tspkg.po in keep_pkgs:
# Find any related pkgs, and add them:
for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
if rpkg not in keep_pkgs:
if rpkg in count_pkgs:
cnt += 1
mini_depsolve_again = True
# If related to any keep pkgs, add us
for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
if rpkg in keep_pkgs:
if rpkg in count_pkgs:
cnt += 1
mini_depsolve_again = True
for tspkg in tspkgs:
if tspkg.po not in keep_pkgs:
_ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
if cnt:
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed (+%d related) for security, out of %d available') % (scnt, cnt - scnt, tot))
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available') % tot)
return cnt, scnt, tot
def exclude_updates(base, filters=None):
Exclude all packages to do with updates, using the updateinfo data.
def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
""" Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
_(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
(pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))
if filters is None:
filters = base.updateinfo_filters
opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)
if _no_options(opts):
return 0, 0
md_info = base.upinfo
used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
tot = len(set(base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates').updates + \
pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
pkgs_to_del = []
for pkg in pkgs:
name =
if (name not in name2tup or
not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
if pkgs_to_del:
for p in base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='available', patterns=pkgs_to_del, showdups=True).available:
cnt = len(set(base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates').updates + \
_ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
if cnt:
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))
return cnt, tot
def exclude_all(base, filters=None):
Exclude all packages, using the updateinfo data.
def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
""" Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
_(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
(pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))
if filters is None:
filters = base.updateinfo_filters
opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)
if _no_options(opts):
return 0, 0
md_info = base.upinfo
used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
name2tup = _get_name2aallpkgtup(base)
tot = 0
cnt = 0
for pkg in pkgs:
tot += 1
name =
if (name not in name2tup or
not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
cnt += 1
_ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
if cnt:
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))
return cnt, tot
def update_minimal(base, extcmds=[]):
"""Mark the specified items to be updated, in the minimal way.
:param extcmds: the user specified arguments
:return: a list of transaction members added to the
transaction set by this function
txmbrs = []
used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(base.updateinfo_filters)
opts = _ysp_gen_opts(base.updateinfo_filters)
ndata = _no_options(opts)
# NOTE: Not doing obsoletes processing atm. ... maybe we should? --
# Also worth pointing out we don't go backwards for obsoletes in the:
# update --security case etc.
# obsoletes = base.up.getObsoletesTuples(newest=False)
# for (obsoleting, installed) in sorted(obsoletes, key=lambda x: x[0]):
# pass
# Tuples == (n, a, e, v, r)
oupdates = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
for oldpkgtup in sorted(oupdates):
data = base.upinfo.get_applicable_notices(oldpkgtup)
if ndata: # No options means pick the oldest update
for (pkgtup, notice) in data:
name = pkgtup[0]
if extcmds and not _match_sec_cmd(extcmds, name, notice):
if (not ndata and
not _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map)):
txmbrs.extend(base.update(name=pkgtup[0], arch=pkgtup[1],
version=pkgtup[3], release=pkgtup[4]))
# _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg)
return txmbrs