Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Catalog\Config;
use Bitrix\Main,
* Class State
* Provides methods for checking product restrictions and obtaining current settings based on constraints.
* @package Bitrix\Catalog\Config
final class State
* Returns true if warehouse inventory management is allowed and enabled.
* @return bool
* @throws Main\ArgumentNullException
* @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException
public static function isUsedInventoryManagement()
if (!Feature::isInventoryManagementEnabled())
return false;
return ((string)Main\Config\Option::get('catalog', 'default_use_store_control') == 'Y');
* Returns true if the limit on the number of price types is exceeded.
* @return bool
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
public static function isExceededPriceTypeLimit()
if (Feature::isMultiPriceTypesEnabled())
return false;
//TODO: enable managed cache after blocked old api \CCatalogGroup
return Catalog\GroupTable::getCount([]) > 1;
* Returns true if it is allowed to add a new price type.
* @return bool
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
public static function isAllowedNewPriceType()
if (Feature::isMultiPriceTypesEnabled())
return true;
//TODO: enable managed cache after blocked old api \CCatalogGroup
return Catalog\GroupTable::getCount([]) == 0;
* Returns true if the limit on the number of warehouses is exceeded.
* @return bool
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
public static function isExceededStoreLimit()
if (Feature::isMultiStoresEnabled())
return false;
//TODO: enable managed cache after blocked old api \CCatalogStore
return Catalog\StoreTable::getCount([]) > 1;
* Returns true if it is allowed to add a new warehouse.
* @return bool
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
public static function isAllowedNewStore()
if (Feature::isMultiStoresEnabled())
return true;
//TODO: enable managed cache after blocked old api \CCatalogStore
return Catalog\StoreTable::getCount([]) == 0;
* Returns information about exceeding the number of goods in the landing for the information block.
* @param int $iblockId Iblock Id.
* @return array|false
* @throws Main\ArgumentException
* @throws Main\ArgumentNullException
* @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
public static function getExceedingProductLimit($iblockId)
$iblockId = (int)$iblockId;
if ($iblockId <= 0)
return false;
$limit = (int)Main\Config\Option::get('catalog', 'landing_product_limit');
if ($limit == 0)
return false;
$sections = self::getLandingSections();
if (empty($sections))
return false;
$iblockSectionIds = [];
$iterator = Iblock\SectionTable::getList([
'select' => ['ID'],
'filter' => ['=IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, '@ID' => $sections]
while ($row = $iterator->fetch())
$iblockSectionIds[] = (int)$row['ID'];
unset($row, $iterator, $sections);
if (empty($iblockSectionIds))
return false;
$count = \CIBlockElement::GetList(
['IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, 'SECTION_ID' => $iblockSectionIds, 'INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS' => 'Y', 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N'],
if ($count < $limit)
return false;
return [
'COUNT' => $count,
'LIMIT' => $limit
* Returns the sections Id used in landings.
* @return array
* @throws Main\ArgumentException
* @throws Main\LoaderException
* @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
* @throws Main\SystemException
private static function getLandingSections()
$result = [];
if (!Loader::includeModule('landing'))
return $result;
$iterator = Landing\Internals\HookDataTable::getList([
'select' => ['VALUE'],
'filter' => [
while ($row = $iterator->fetch())
$id = (int)$row['VALUE'];
if ($id <= 0)
$result[$id] = $id;
unset($id, $row, $iterator);
return (!empty($result) ? array_values($result) : []);
class_alias('Bitrix\Catalog\Config\State', 'Bitrix\Catalog\Config\Configuration');