Your IP :
# manage ansible configs for host
# hosts - add|remove host from group
# host_vars - add|remove|modify variables in personal host file
# group_vars/group add|remove|modify variables in group file
# ex.
# - update host, add it to group mysql and set var1 and var2
# hostname=vm1 group=mysql state=present|absent|update var1=val1 var2=val1 ...
# - update group, set val1 and val2
# group=mysql state=update var1=val1 var2=val2
# state:
# add - create record in the hosts file and update|create personal file
# remove - remove record in the hosts file ( if group not defined => from all group )
# update - update host variables in personal file
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib "/opt/webdir/lib";
use Output;
use Pool;
use Host;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename qw( dirname basename );
use JSON;
# program options
my $prog_name = basename $0;
my $prog_dir = dirname $0;
my %options = (
hostname => undef,
group => undef,
state => 'update',
my @options = keys %options;
# get command line options
my $opt_file = $ARGV[0];
my ($opt_json, $ch, $opt_hash, $bx_return);
$opt_json = "";
unless (open ($ch, '<', $opt_file)){
$bx_return = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Cannot open file: $!",
print $bx_return->printAnsible;
while(<$ch>){ $opt_json .= $_; }
close $ch;
eval {
$opt_hash = decode_json($opt_json);
if ($@){
$bx_return = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Cannot decode json from input string",
foreach my $key (keys %$opt_hash){
next if ($key =~ /^_ansible/);
if ($opt_hash->{$key} eq "ABSENT"){
$options{$key} = undef;
$options{$key} = $opt_hash->{$key};
# update hosts info
if ( $options{'hostname'} ) {
if ( $options{'state'} =~ /^(update|add)$/ ) {
my $bx_host = Host->new( host => $options{'hostname'} );
$bx_return = $bx_host->updateHost( \%options );
elsif ( $options{'state'} =~ /^create$/ ) {
if ( not defined $options{'ip'} ) {
$bx_return = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "ip= must be set for state=" . $options{'state'},
else {
#print "hostname=",$options{'hostname'}," ip=",$options{'ip'},"\n";
my $bx_host =
Host->new( host => $options{'hostname'}, ip => $options{'ip'} );
#print Dumper($bx_host);
$bx_return = $bx_host->updateHost( \%options );
elsif ( $options{'state'} =~ /^(delete|remove|absent)$/ ) {
my $bx_host = Host->new( host => $options{'hostname'} );
$bx_return = $bx_host->deleteHost( \%options );
else {
$bx_return = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "Unknown value for option state=" . $options{'state'}
# update group info
elsif ( !$options{'hostname'} && $options{'group'} ) {
my $bx_pool = Pool->new();
$bx_return = $bx_pool->update_group_vars( \%options );
else {
$bx_return = Output->new(
error => 1,
message => "hostname= or group= must be set for state="
. $options{'state'}
#print Dumper($bx_return);
print $bx_return->printAnsible;