Your IP :
$MESS["VOTE_WRONG_DATE_FROM"] = "Please enter the correct \"from\" date in the filter for the \"Date\" field";
$MESS["VOTE_WRONG_DATE_TILL"] = "Please enter the correct \"till\" date in the filter for the \"Date\" field";
$MESS["VOTE_WRONG_FROM_TILL"] = "The \"till\" date must be greater than the \"from\" date in the filter";
$MESS["VOTE_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Visitor votings ##ID#";
$MESS["VOTE_F_VALID"] = "valid";
$MESS["VOTE_F_DATE"] = "Date:";
$MESS["VOTE_F_USER"] = "Visitor ID:";
$MESS["VOTE_F_SESSION"] = "Session ID:";
$MESS["VOTE_PAGES"] = "Results";
$MESS["VOTE_DATE"] = "Date";
$MESS["VOTE_VALID"] = "Valid";
$MESS["VOTE_SESSION"] = "Session";
$MESS["VOTE_VISITOR"] = "Visitor";
$MESS["VOTE_RESULT"] = "view";
$MESS["VOTE_DELETE_CONFIRMATION"] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected votes?";
$MESS["VOTE_FL_USER_ID"] = "Visitor ID";
$MESS["VOTE_FL_SESS_ID"] = "Session ID";
$MESS["VOTE_FL_IP"] = "IP address";
$MESS["VOTE_FL_DATE"] = "Date";
$MESS["VOTE_FL_VALID"] = "Validity";
$MESS["VOTE_USER_LIST_TITLE"] = "Show visitor list";
$MESS["VOTE_SESSIONU_LIST_TITLE"] = "Show session list";
$MESS["VOTE_SAVE_ERROR"] = "Error saving to database";
$MESS["VOTE_DELETE"] = "delete";
$MESS["VOTE_DELETE_U"] = "Delete";
$MESS["VOTE_VALIDATE"] = "make valid";
$MESS["VOTE_DEVALIDATE"] = "make non-valid";
$MESS["VOTE_EDIT_TITLE"] = "Modify poll parameters";
$MESS["VOTE_EXACT_MATCH"] = "Use exact match";
$MESS["DELETE_ERROR"] = "An error occurred while deleting an object.";
$MESS["SAVE_ERROR"] = "An error occurred while saving an object.";
$MESS["VOTE_NOT_FOUND"] = "The poll was not found.";
$MESS["VOTE_LIST"] = "Polls";
$MESS["VOTE_USER"] = "User";
$MESS["VOTE_BACK_TO_VOTE"] = "Go to poll";
$MESS["VOTE_NONAUTHORIZED"] = "Not logged in";