Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\IO;
class File
extends FileEntry
implements IFileStream
const REWRITE = 0;
const APPEND = 1;
/** @var resource */
protected $filePointer;
public function __construct($path, $siteId = null)
parent::__construct($path, $siteId);
* Opens the file and returns the file pointer.
* @param string $mode
* @return resource
* @throws FileOpenException
public function open($mode)
$this->filePointer = fopen($this->getPhysicalPath(), $mode."b");
if (!$this->filePointer)
throw new FileOpenException($this->originalPath);
return $this->filePointer;
* Closes the file.
* @throws FileNotOpenedException
public function close()
throw new FileNotOpenedException($this->originalPath);
$this->filePointer = null;
public function isExists()
$p = $this->getPhysicalPath();
return file_exists($p) && (is_file($p) || is_link($p));
public function getContents()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return file_get_contents($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function putContents($data, $flags = self::REWRITE)
$dir = $this->getDirectory();
if (!$dir->isExists())
if ($this->isExists() && !$this->isWritable())
return $flags & self::APPEND
? file_put_contents($this->getPhysicalPath(), $data, FILE_APPEND)
: file_put_contents($this->getPhysicalPath(), $data);
* Returns the file size.
* @return float|int
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws FileOpenException
public function getSize()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
static $supportLarge32 = null;
if($supportLarge32 === null)
$supportLarge32 = (\Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::getValue("large_files_32bit_support") === true);
$size = 0;
if(PHP_INT_SIZE < 8 && $supportLarge32)
// 32bit
if(fseek($this->filePointer, 0, SEEK_END) === 0)
$size = 0.0;
$step = 0x7FFFFFFF;
while($step > 0)
if (fseek($this->filePointer, -$step, SEEK_CUR) === 0)
$size += floatval($step);
$step >>= 1;
// 64bit
$size = filesize($this->getPhysicalPath());
return $size;
* Seeks on the file pointer from the beginning (SEEK_SET only).
* @param int|float $position
* @return int
* @throws FileNotOpenedException
public function seek($position)
throw new FileNotOpenedException($this->originalPath);
if($position <= PHP_INT_MAX)
return fseek($this->filePointer, $position, SEEK_SET);
$res = fseek($this->filePointer, 0, SEEK_SET);
if($res === 0)
$offset = ($position < PHP_INT_MAX? $position : PHP_INT_MAX);
$res = fseek($this->filePointer, $offset, SEEK_CUR);
if($res !== 0)
$position -= PHP_INT_MAX;
while($position > 0);
return $res;
public function isWritable()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return is_writable($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function isReadable()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return is_readable($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function readFile()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return readfile($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function getCreationTime()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return filectime($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function getLastAccessTime()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return fileatime($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function getModificationTime()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return filemtime($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function markWritable()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
@chmod($this->getPhysicalPath(), BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
public function getPermissions()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
return fileperms($this->getPhysicalPath());
public function delete()
if ($this->isExists())
return unlink($this->getPhysicalPath());
return true;
public function getContentType()
if (!$this->isExists())
throw new FileNotFoundException($this->originalPath);
$finfo = \finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$contentType = \finfo_file($finfo, $this->getPath());
return $contentType;
public static function isFileExists($path)
$f = new self($path);
return $f->isExists();
public static function getFileContents($path)
$f = new self($path);
return $f->getContents();
public static function putFileContents($path, $data, $flags=self::REWRITE)
$f = new self($path);
return $f->putContents($data, $flags);
public static function deleteFile($path)
$f = new self($path);
return $f->delete();