Your IP :
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Config;
use IPC::Open2;
# rerun the tests under the assumption of pure-perl
# for the $^X-es
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ($Config{path_sep}, @INC);
my $this_file = quotemeta(__FILE__);
opendir(my $dh, $Bin);
my @tests = grep { $_ !~ /${this_file}$/ } map { "$Bin/$_" } grep { /\.t$/ } readdir $dh;
print "1..@{[ scalar @tests ]}\n";
my $had_error = 0;
END { $? = $had_error }
sub ok ($$) {
$had_error++, print "not " if !$_[0];
print "ok";
print " - $_[1]" if defined $_[1];
print "\n";
for my $fn (@tests) {
# this is cheating, and may even hang here and there (testing on windows passed fine)
# if it does - will have to fix it somehow (really *REALLY* don't want to pull
# in IPC::Cmd just for a fucking test)
# the alternative would be to have an ENV check in each test to force a subtest
open2(my $out, my $in, $^X, $fn );
while (my $ln = <$out>) {
print " $ln";
ok (! $?, "Exit $? from: $^X $fn");