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Current Path : /usr/share/mc/syntax/ |
Current File : //usr/share/mc/syntax/cabal.syntax |
# Author : Mikhail S. Pobolovets
# Language : cabal
# haskell.syntax is taken as base
context default
# cabal keywords
# reserved keywords:
keyword -- brown
# unused symbols
keyword whole _\[0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\] magenta
# known fields
keyword whole \[\s\]author cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]bug-reports cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]buildable cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]build-depends cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]build-tools cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]build-type cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]cabal-version cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]category cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]cc-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]copyright cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]cpp-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]c-sources cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]data-dir cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]data-files cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]default-language cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]default cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]description cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]exposed-modules cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]exposed cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]extensions cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]extra-lib-dirs cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]extra-libraries cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]extra-source-files cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]extra-tmp-files cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]frameworks cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]ghc-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]ghc-prof-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]ghc-shared-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]homepage cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]hs-source-dirs cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]hugs-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]include-dirs cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]includes cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]install-includes cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]jhc-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]ld-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]license-file cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]license cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]location cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]main-is cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]maintainer cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]name cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]nhc98-options cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]other-extensions cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]other-modules cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]package-url cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]pkgconfig-depends cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]source-repository cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]stability cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]synopsis cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]tag cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]tested-with cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]type cyan
keyword whole \[\s\]version cyan
# extended fields
keyword whole x\-\[\-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\] cyan
# version wildcard
keyword whole -any red
# commandline keys
keyword whole -\[\-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789\] brightred
# known extensions
keyword whole Arrows brightmagenta
keyword whole BangPatterns brightmagenta
keyword whole ConstrainedClassMethods brightmagenta
keyword whole DeriveDataTypeable brightmagenta
keyword whole DisambiguateRecordFields brightmagenta
keyword whole EmptyDataDecls brightmagenta
keyword whole CPP brightmagenta
keyword whole ExistentialQuantification brightmagenta
keyword whole ExtendedDefaultRules brightmagenta
keyword whole ExtensibleRecords brightmagenta
keyword whole FlexibleContexts brightmagenta
keyword whole FlexibleInstances brightmagenta
keyword whole ForeignFunctionInterface brightmagenta
keyword whole FunctionalDependencies brightmagenta
keyword whole GADTs brightmagenta
keyword whole GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving brightmagenta
keyword whole Generics brightmagenta
keyword whole HereDocuments brightmagenta
keyword whole ImplicitParams brightmagenta
keyword whole ImpredicativeTypes brightmagenta
keyword whole IncoherentInstances brightmagenta
keyword whole KindSignatures brightmagenta
keyword whole LiberalTypeSynonyms brightmagenta
keyword whole MagicHash brightmagenta
keyword whole MultiParamTypeClasses brightmagenta
keyword whole NamedFieldPuns brightmagenta
keyword whole NewQualifiedOperators brightmagenta
keyword whole NoImplicitPrelude brightmagenta
keyword whole NoMonomorphismRestriction brightmagenta
keyword whole NoMonoPatBinds brightmagenta
keyword whole OverlappingInstances brightmagenta
keyword whole OverloadedStrings brightmagenta
keyword whole PackageImports brightmagenta
keyword whole ParallelListComp brightmagenta
keyword whole PatternGuards brightmagenta
keyword whole PatternSignatures brightmagenta
keyword whole PolymorphicComponents brightmagenta
keyword whole PostfixOperators brightmagenta
keyword whole QuasiQuotes brightmagenta
keyword whole Rank2Types brightmagenta
keyword whole RankNTypes brightmagenta
keyword whole RecordPuns brightmagenta
keyword whole RecordWildCards brightmagenta
keyword whole RecursiveDo brightmagenta
keyword whole RelaxedPolyRec brightmagenta
keyword whole RestrictedTypeSynonyms brightmagenta
keyword whole ScopedTypeVariables brightmagenta
keyword whole StandaloneDeriving brightmagenta
keyword whole TemplateHaskell brightmagenta
keyword whole TransformListComp brightmagenta
keyword whole TypeFamilies brightmagenta
keyword whole TypeOperators brightmagenta
keyword whole TypeSynonymInstances brightmagenta
keyword whole UnboxedTuples brightmagenta
keyword whole UndecidableInstances brightmagenta
keyword whole UnicodeSyntax brightmagenta
keyword whole UnliftedFFITypes brightmagenta
keyword whole ViewPatterns brightmagenta
# links
keyword http://+ gray
keyword ftp://+ gray
keyword git://+ gray
keyword cvs://+ gray
keyword svn://+ gray
keyword darcs://+ gray
# special text inside of <>, i.e. emails
keyword \<+\> red
# build types with '\s & \n' hack to remove too stupid highlighting
keyword whole Configure\s white
keyword whole Configure\n white
keyword whole Custom\s white
keyword whole Custom\n white
keyword whole Make\s white
keyword whole Make\n white
keyword whole Simple\n white
keyword whole Simple\s white
# licenses
keyword whole AllRightsReserved white
keyword whole OtherLicense white
keyword whole PublicDomain white
keyword whole LGPL white
keyword whole GPL white
keyword whole LGPL2 white
keyword whole GPL2 white
keyword whole LGPL3 white
keyword whole GPL3 white
keyword whole BSD white
keyword whole BSD3 white
keyword whole BSD4 white
keyword whole MIT white
# compilers
keyword whole GHC white
keyword whole NHC white
keyword whole JHC white
keyword whole HBC white
keyword whole Helium white
keyword whole Hugs white
# special keywords
keyword whole True white
keyword whole False white
keyword whole if white
keyword whole else white
keyword whole os white
keyword whole impl white
keyword whole arch white
keyword whole linestart \[\s\]executable yellow
keyword whole linestart \[\s\]library yellow
keyword whole linestart \[\s\]test-suite yellow
keyword whole flag yellow
keyword whole repo yellow
# unboxed (started from upcase)
# keyword whole \{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\}\[0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\]# white
# types/modules
# keyword whole \{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\}\[0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\] white
keyword whole 0\{xX\}\{0123456789abcdefABCDEF\}\[0123456789abcdefABCDEF\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \[0123456789\]\.\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\.\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\{eE\}\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\{eE\}\{\-\+\}\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\.\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\{eE\}\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
keyword whole \{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\.\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\]\{eE\}\{\-\+\}\{0123456789\}\[0123456789\] brightgreen
# some punctuation characters
keyword whole $ yellow
keyword whole ! white
keyword whole && white
keyword whole \* yellow
keyword whole \+ yellow
keyword whole / yellow
keyword whole ^ white
keyword whole || white
keyword whole | white
keyword ~ white
keyword , brightcyan
keyword - yellow
keyword : brightcyan
keyword ; yellow
keyword = yellow
keyword < yellow
keyword > yellow
keyword { white
keyword } white
keyword [ brightcyan
keyword ] brightcyan
keyword ( brightcyan
keyword ) brightcyan
# comments
context exclusive {- -} brown
context exclusive // \n brown
context exclusive \-\- \n brown
context " " green
keyword \\" brightgreen
keyword %% brightgreen
keyword %\[#0\s-\+,\]\[0123456789\*\]\[.\]\[0123456789\*\]\[L\]\{eEfgGoxX\} brightgreen
keyword %\[0\s-\+,\]\[0123456789\*\]\[.\]\[0123456789\*\]\[hl\]\{diuxX\} brightgreen
keyword %\[hl\]n brightgreen
keyword %\[-\]\[0123456789\*\]\[.\]\[0123456789\*\]s brightgreen
keyword %[*] brightgreen
keyword %c brightgreen
keyword %p brightgreen
keyword \\\{0123\}\{01234567\}\{01234567\} brightgreen
keyword \\\\ brightgreen
keyword \\' brightgreen
keyword \\\{abtnvfr\} brightgreen
# infix binop
context exclusive ` ` white