Your IP :
$MESS["BIGDATA_CONVERT"] = "Sell more and beat your rivals!";
$MESS["BIGDATA_NUM_ONE"] = "Bitrix BigData<br>A top notch web shop aggregator.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_CONNECT"] = "Brings offline and online sales together in a streamlined user interface.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_PLATFORM"] = "Integrated in Bitrix CMS.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_HOWTO_ENABLE"] = "How do you enable Bitrix BigData?";
$MESS["BIGDATA_ENABLED"] = "Bitrix BigData is available";
$MESS["BIGDATA_DISABLED"] = "Bitrix BigData is offline. Enable it to use its services.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_INSTALLED"] = "Install the widget catalog.section to the main page, to a products list or product view page, shopping cart or ordering page.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_UNINSTALLED"] = "Widget is not installed";
$MESS["BIGDATA_OBSERVE"] = "Highlight recommended product sales on the orders page";
$MESS["BIGDATA_DESC_1"] = "<strong>Bitrix BigData</strong> personalization service processes user data collected from all the web stores powered by Bitrix CMS.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_DESC_2"] = "The service analyzes user preferences (interests, ordered items, compares users to find similar traits) while keeping users safe and anonymous.";
$MESS["BIGDATA_DESC_3"] = "The personalization component can be added almost anywhere: to the main page, to the product list or product view page, to the shopping cart or ordering page.";