Your IP :
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_HAPPENED"] = "Error processing request";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_DELIVERY_SERVICE"] = "Delivery service does not match restrictions";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_PAY_SYSTEM_INFO"] = "Incorrect payment system response";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_INCORRECT_DATE"] = "Incorrect date format";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_PAYSYSTEM_SERVICE"] = "The payment system is not subject to restriction.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_CANCEL_ORDER"] = "Insufficient permission to cancel order";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_LOAD_ORDER"] = "Cannot find order ID #";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_CANCEL_ORDER_ALREADY"] = "The order has already been canceled.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_CANCEL_ORDER_NOT_YET"] = "The order has not yet been canceled.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_CREATE_ORDER"] = "Cannot create order.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_ORDER_ID_WRONG"] = "Invalid order ID.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_SHIPMENT_ID_WRONG"] = "Invalid shipment ID.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_PAYMENT_ID_WRONG"] = "Invalid shipment ID.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_UNMARK_RIGHTS"] = "Insufficient permission to unset order issue flag.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_LOAD_PAYMENT"] = "Cannot find payment ID #";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_LOAD_SHIPMENT"] = "Cannot find shipment ID #";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_HAPPENED2"] = "Error processing request. The most possible reasons include: a user does not have sufficient permissions; PHP session storage is experiencing issues; POST request gets truncated by PHP or the web server.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_DELETE_SHIPMENT_PERMISSION"] = "You do not have permission to delete this shipment.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_DELETE_PAYMENT_PERMISSION"] = "You do not have permission to delete this payment.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION"] = "Insufficient permissions.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_ERROR_CONNECT_PAY_SYS"] = "Error connecting to payment system";
$MESS["SALE_CASHBOX_SELECT_TYPE"] = "Select receipt type";
$MESS["SALE_CASHBOX_SELECT_MESSAGE"] = "To add a new receipt, select receipt type and select available shipment";
$MESS["SALE_CASHBOX_SELECT_SHIPMENT"] = "Select linked shipment";
$MESS["CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_TITLE"] = "To add a new receipt, enter the order ID, then select payment and shipment";
$MESS["CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_SELECT_TYPE"] = "Select receipt type";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_ORDER_ID"] = "Cannot create receipt because order ID is incorrect.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_EMPTY_PAYMENT"] = "Cannot create receipt because no payment is selected.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_PAYMENT_ID"] = "Cannot create receipt because payment selected is incorrect.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_EMPTY_SHIPMENT"] = "Cannot create receipt because shipment is not selected.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_SHIPMENT_ID"] = "Cannot create receipt because shipment selected is incorrect.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_CREATE_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE"] = "Cannot create receipt because type is invalid.";
$MESS["CASHBOX_ADD_ZREPORT_WRONG_CHECKBOX"] = "Incorrect cash register selected";
$MESS["SALE_CASHBOX_SHIPMENT_PRICE"] = "Total shipment amount";
$MESS["SALE_CASHBOX_SELECT_ENTITIES"] = "Select extra payments / shipments";
$MESS["SALE_OA_SHIPMENT_DELIVERY_REQ_SENT"] = "This shipment is part of transportation order ##REQUEST_ID#. It is recommended that you remove the shipment from the transportation order before changing the delivery service.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_BASKET_ITEM_ADD"] = "You do not have permission to add items to shopping cart.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_CANCEL"] = "You do not have permission to cancel the order.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_ADD_COMMENTS"] = "You do not have permission to add comments.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to update order status.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_REFRESH"] = "You do not have permission to recalculate the order.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_PAYMENT_STATUS_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to update payment status.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_PAYMENT_DELETE"] = "You do not have permission to delete payment.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_SHIPMENT_DELETE"] = "You do not have permission to delete shipment.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_SHIPMENT_STATUS_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to update shipment status.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_PAYMENT_ADD"] = "You do not have permission to add payment.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_SHIPMENT_DELIVERY_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to change delivery service.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_SHIPMENT_GET_DEFAULT_DELIVERY_PRICE"] = "You do not have permission to get delivery price.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_COUPON_DELETE"] = "You do not have permission to delete coupon.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_COUPON_ADD"] = "You do not have permission to add coupon.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_PAYMENT_INFO_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to update payment info.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_SHIPMENT_TRACKING_NUMBER_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to change tracking number.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_UNMARK"] = "You do not have permission to remove mark.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_PAYMENT_PAYSYSTEM_CHANGE"] = "You do not have permission to change payment system.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_ORDER_GET_TAILS"] = "Insufficient permissions.";
$MESS["SALE_OA_PERMISSION_MARKER_FIX"] = "You do not have permission to update mark.";
$MESS["SALE_ORDER_SHIP_SHIPMENT_NOTICE_MESSAGE"] = "Are you sure you want to ignore error(s) and proceed?";